condition mean min max Egg cell 16.88029 2.16263 39.5601 Ovary 16.213 10.8443 22.8173 Ovule 44.534825 26.1501 65.1167 Microspore 27.7462782 0.0 136.177 Bicellular microspore 0.34803 0.34803 0.34803 Pollen (mature) 7.809800405405405 0.0 27.26 Pollen tube 18.454416666666667 12.7898 23.2839 Sperm cell 30.443907142857142 0.0 96.5485 Pollen tube 18.454416666666667 12.7898 23.2839 Tassels (primordia) 37.820075 27.7462 44.0266 Tassels (anther) 61.50244615384616 24.1405 94.3992 Tassels 56.9535125 32.7063 90.0528 Silk 45.472300000000004 35.366 55.5786 Ear 35.124155 6.03485 63.0908 Ear (immature) 68.42203333333333 56.9749 92.5222 Ear (inflorescence) 31.72665 30.888 32.5653 Ear (primordia) 48.88155 29.8082 99.8787 Zygote (12 HAP) 6.267023333333333 4.30807 7.34114 Zygote (24 HAP) 4.266466666666666 3.27935 4.84969 Daughter cell (apical) 1.3047106666666666 0.214863 3.19087 Daughter cell (basal) 2.5486466666666665 1.44771 3.78228 Embryo 42.22881111111111 13.5558 113.134 Nucellus 75.35055 75.071 75.6301 Endopserm 16.569292857142855 2.70586 39.2447 Kernel 45.260131666666666 5.21246 142.508 Kernel (germinating) 44.2835 25.3216 63.2454 Seeds 23.336849696969697 1.88903 58.6175 Embryo Sac 22.459400000000002 17.6311 27.2877 Pericarp and aleurone 11.912 11.912 11.912 Coleoptile (5 day) 13.3444 11.7134 15.4716 Seedling 18.358228695652173 5.58578 48.6472 Internode 46.43458571428571 34.2556 60.6868 Sheath 30.0762 22.6661 37.4863 Shoot (apex) 47.8200984 20.2306 86.6137 Shoot 51.749541666666666 26.0734 84.3545 Whole plant 28.6903 14.6674 54.2062 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 41.8531 40.3252 43.381 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 7.333383333333334 5.56151 10.0456 Apical meristem 64.4079 64.4079 64.4079 Stem and meristem 32.37005 30.96 33.7801 Stems 32.22025 21.0101 43.1034 Stem (Internode) 41.8544 35.4653 54.6188 Leaf 22.011202522522524 1.95542 53.0489 Leaf (apex) 73.5925 64.9721 82.2129 Leaf (bundle sheath) 25.20065 23.5774 26.8239 Leaf (mesophyll) 24.799400000000002 19.2083 29.1156 Leaf (seedlings) 6.369245133333333 0.0 20.7559 Leaf and kernel 13.361848333333333 8.40729 16.214 Ear (leaf) 44.9693 44.9693 44.9693 Root 33.8042753125 8.22888 76.1029 Root (elongation zone) 26.783275 21.9251 33.9263 Root (meristematic zone) 47.02645 35.251 58.8019 Root (stele) 31.5751 11.6082 49.2577 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 33.9675 33.9675 33.9675 Secondary root 26.5999 26.5999 26.5999 Root, root hairs removed 42.7806 42.7806 42.7806 Root (maturation zone) 47.0384 47.0384 47.0384