condition mean min max Egg cell 15.60881 7.15483 27.5242 Ovary 5.420513333333333 3.77555 6.39639 Ovule 103.09915 43.6502 212.54 Microspore 2.71447746 0.0501443 9.24757 Bicellular microspore 0.0605849 0.0605849 0.0605849 Pollen (mature) 0.1321778 0.0 1.67548 Pollen tube 0.12524558333333333 0.0779037 0.190643 Sperm cell 0.3758045857142857 0.0 1.50122 Pollen tube 0.12524558333333333 0.0779037 0.190643 Tassels (primordia) 31.165174999999998 28.3849 34.9194 Tassels (anther) 30.026446153846155 17.0809 47.9669 Tassels 23.296266250000002 3.49616 44.0584 Silk 13.88236 8.16752 19.5972 Ear 29.93588 11.5896 49.9734 Ear (immature) 14.561883333333332 11.6914 17.6683 Ear (inflorescence) 49.987700000000004 46.1075 53.8679 Ear (primordia) 26.698708333333332 5.55835 34.783 Zygote (12 HAP) 8.974796666666666 2.87479 13.2278 Zygote (24 HAP) 17.3036 10.5943 21.4093 Daughter cell (apical) 55.100233333333335 38.4884 80.0678 Daughter cell (basal) 39.579033333333335 35.3382 45.0644 Embryo 27.349344444444444 16.5386 37.2689 Nucellus 88.7262 87.9262 89.5262 Endopserm 9.903817142857143 3.34832 21.778 Kernel 28.268613333333334 8.08519 79.2983 Kernel (germinating) 21.962725 9.44765 34.4778 Seeds 42.32706454545455 7.93643 63.7809 Embryo Sac 109.41405 96.0601 122.768 Pericarp and aleurone 14.5154 14.5154 14.5154 Coleoptile (5 day) 41.1755 36.94 44.4304 Seedling 39.1872347826087 14.2624 74.7155 Internode 58.441585714285715 18.6034 78.3917 Sheath 57.4632 53.3107 61.6157 Shoot (apex) 35.45451048 8.71791 88.7728 Shoot 20.240141666666666 12.0481 36.7964 Whole plant 55.542925000000004 39.1835 84.5929 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 13.2082 12.3026 14.1138 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 12.6505 11.6984 14.0731 Apical meristem 23.4971 23.4971 23.4971 Stem and meristem 29.92825 29.7706 30.0859 Stems 51.512137499999994 30.6682 72.6767 Stem (Internode) 67.5389 66.2751 68.9405 Leaf 34.399103243243246 9.01306 114.151 Leaf (apex) 29.588500000000003 24.858 34.319 Leaf (bundle sheath) 16.951125 6.43605 27.4662 Leaf (mesophyll) 20.355166666666666 14.1393 31.0397 Leaf (seedlings) 13.488460666666667 1.3801 32.1649 Leaf and kernel 22.823733333333333 16.0292 33.7628 Ear (leaf) 23.4847 23.4847 23.4847 Root 47.268716875 5.94352 105.253 Root (elongation zone) 17.8450175 6.37323 31.0224 Root (meristematic zone) 8.980455 8.56894 9.39197 Root (stele) 62.509575 50.8075 79.268 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 31.768 31.768 31.768 Secondary root 17.7357 17.7357 17.7357 Root, root hairs removed 26.4452 26.4452 26.4452 Root (maturation zone) 4.17776 4.17776 4.17776