condition mean min max Egg cell 236.212 207.305 288.368 Ovary 17.5869 11.3913 21.0356 Ovule 275.61375 176.294 494.433 Microspore 18.3638604 0.784322 37.3627 Bicellular microspore 1.0108 1.0108 1.0108 Pollen (mature) 3.558104621621622 0.0 19.5603 Pollen tube 2.1188183333333335 1.93564 2.43261 Sperm cell 45.21009828571429 0.0 112.921 Pollen tube 2.1188183333333335 1.93564 2.43261 Tassels (primordia) 84.7466 68.4754 102.64 Tassels (anther) 137.2014769230769 64.1533 223.964 Tassels 112.4216625 23.6706 180.258 Silk 60.957800000000006 51.5982 70.3174 Ear 122.49771 25.6866 276.511 Ear (immature) 40.9963 29.743 48.0952 Ear (inflorescence) 64.17445 45.564 82.7849 Ear (primordia) 74.66268333333333 39.4399 106.244 Zygote (12 HAP) 577.5483333333333 464.048 642.992 Zygote (24 HAP) 296.48566666666665 246.082 341.224 Daughter cell (apical) 331.128 211.209 441.689 Daughter cell (basal) 236.89566666666667 202.84 268.072 Embryo 92.58263333333333 14.098 211.995 Nucellus 208.72 196.149 221.291 Endopserm 85.68095714285714 42.4707 160.389 Kernel 179.28914166666667 70.2192 391.196 Kernel (germinating) 151.341 107.377 195.305 Seeds 186.96932424242425 31.7782 297.946 Embryo Sac 310.187 279.402 340.972 Pericarp and aleurone 168.193 168.193 168.193 Coleoptile (5 day) 23.4464 20.3408 29.0666 Seedling 136.55546521739132 20.4736 245.365 Internode 337.6996142857143 68.7993 467.413 Sheath 187.26749999999998 177.32 197.215 Shoot (apex) 166.5694776 64.7684 360.844 Shoot 96.85345833333334 41.5143 248.63 Whole plant 223.090125 69.5555 344.089 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 80.5235 73.7685 87.2785 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 635.5286666666667 555.235 740.556 Apical meristem 122.974 122.974 122.974 Stem and meristem 179.0125 172.31 185.715 Stems 299.109375 156.79 422.828 Stem (Internode) 368.50433333333336 321.36 420.473 Leaf 184.1573882882883 15.8511 515.851 Leaf (apex) 90.38895 82.2657 98.5122 Leaf (bundle sheath) 92.5128 84.2076 100.818 Leaf (mesophyll) 87.63003333333333 59.3756 117.053 Leaf (seedlings) 47.972338666666666 6.06748 112.778 Leaf and kernel 76.36541666666666 42.0243 126.378 Ear (leaf) 95.0331 95.0331 95.0331 Root 342.337159375 39.8552 829.791 Root (elongation zone) 134.397975 49.414 220.674 Root (meristematic zone) 107.56800000000001 103.18 111.956 Root (stele) 386.4215 335.57 430.876 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 227.545 227.545 227.545 Secondary root 98.7394 98.7394 98.7394 Root, root hairs removed 141.033 141.033 141.033 Root (maturation zone) 56.3884 56.3884 56.3884