condition mean min max Egg cell 6.869766666666666 2.47287 9.44131 Ovary 1.2713333333333332 0.81485 1.54581 Ovule 34.8235 13.2303 79.4444 Microspore 20.6015204 0.340902 83.7862 Bicellular microspore 0.526293 0.526293 0.526293 Pollen (mature) 0.25661734054054053 0.0 1.84629 Pollen tube 0.5324575 0.4057 0.773091 Sperm cell 49.20216857142857 2.22061 114.003 Pollen tube 0.5324575 0.4057 0.773091 Tassels (primordia) 29.823349999999998 24.6354 36.9717 Tassels (anther) 55.24544615384615 7.8737 96.6051 Tassels 13.6333275 1.05218 37.3635 Silk 1.5879875 0.410825 2.76515 Ear 11.734587000000001 0.856309 47.3278 Ear (immature) 11.674821666666666 8.17553 13.7273 Ear (inflorescence) 15.979155 9.56361 22.3947 Ear (primordia) 22.24271 2.41936 32.1535 Zygote (12 HAP) 7.0685633333333335 5.58876 8.78065 Zygote (24 HAP) 15.606166666666667 12.1166 19.5874 Daughter cell (apical) 47.1701 44.1887 52.9583 Daughter cell (basal) 64.79486666666666 52.8026 71.9708 Embryo 7.361144777777778 0.339293 21.4058 Nucellus 24.8724 23.0157 26.7291 Endopserm 3.0712545714285713 0.622197 15.6342 Kernel 5.206685833333333 1.92792 14.3729 Kernel (germinating) 2.64297 2.11112 3.17482 Seeds 9.22649409090909 0.997475 24.7203 Embryo Sac 31.13725 21.3454 40.9291 Pericarp and aleurone 0.747591 0.747591 0.747591 Coleoptile (5 day) 2.95213 1.90748 3.53821 Seedling 2.445633604347826 0.0905559 5.80393 Internode 1.8201542857142856 0.94842 3.49172 Sheath 4.815474999999999 3.52093 6.11002 Shoot (apex) 8.17849528 2.26447 25.4887 Shoot 1.4807475833333332 0.09407 4.63189 Whole plant 2.0315 1.57697 3.02901 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 8.127575 6.84934 9.40581 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 20.556 17.4083 22.1374 Apical meristem 30.4736 30.4736 30.4736 Stem and meristem 13.273299999999999 12.446 14.1006 Stems 9.1550575 1.55943 24.0469 Stem (Internode) 1.8624833333333333 1.39653 2.39655 Leaf 0.9231313891891892 0.0 14.5102 Leaf (apex) 18.328699999999998 15.552 21.1054 Leaf (bundle sheath) 0.7659134999999999 0.119017 1.41281 Leaf (mesophyll) 0.7408106666666666 0.216498 1.3202 Leaf (seedlings) 0.21090569333333334 0.0 0.491691 Leaf and kernel 0.15918893333333334 0.039483 0.243666 Ear (leaf) 0.0547527 0.0547527 0.0547527 Root 3.4043815208333332 0.285114 18.603 Root (elongation zone) 1.2927944999999998 0.561658 1.60449 Root (meristematic zone) 13.29335 12.3479 14.2388 Root (stele) 2.291475 1.48023 3.37997 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 4.81691 4.81691 4.81691 Secondary root 2.24386 2.24386 2.24386 Root, root hairs removed 5.02275 5.02275 5.02275 Root (maturation zone) 7.41612 7.41612 7.41612