condition mean min max Egg cell 1.4609623333333335 0.774046 2.70793 Ovary 0.8174233333333334 0.439531 1.03698 Ovule 2.51555025 0.859971 6.32854 Microspore 1.0901889999999999 0.108444 2.30034 Bicellular microspore 0.13672 0.13672 0.13672 Pollen (mature) 0.13341988918918918 0.0 1.16339 Pollen tube 0.22244866666666666 0.137116 0.315057 Sperm cell 6.390607142857143 1.15511 12.93 Pollen tube 0.22244866666666666 0.137116 0.315057 Tassels (primordia) 6.0282599999999995 4.16243 7.5377 Tassels (anther) 5.314615384615385 2.1942 9.50397 Tassels 8.76136 0.593845 14.4058 Silk 6.8642335 0.516767 13.2117 Ear 27.4398932 0.663962 149.915 Ear (immature) 3.720791666666667 2.09743 4.61169 Ear (inflorescence) 3.3429599999999997 2.17953 4.50639 Ear (primordia) 6.645703 0.764838 9.84617 Zygote (12 HAP) 1.332149 0.893197 1.68648 Zygote (24 HAP) 3.3957666666666664 2.83132 4.38308 Daughter cell (apical) 1.3124066666666665 1.09475 1.55683 Daughter cell (basal) 1.134432 0.325946 2.00311 Embryo 2.0665357777777777 0.376532 4.25938 Nucellus 10.396185 9.90347 10.8889 Endopserm 0.9168779285714286 0.0 3.18318 Kernel 1.9904908333333333 0.596897 5.15778 Kernel (germinating) 1.9224350000000001 1.55725 2.28762 Seeds 5.1221384848484846 0.588624 15.4478 Embryo Sac 1.0768645000000001 0.732969 1.42076 Pericarp and aleurone 0.756281 0.756281 0.756281 Coleoptile (5 day) 7.791556666666667 6.1146 8.8173 Seedling 60.778338695652174 1.6797 132.051 Internode 28.174185142857144 0.790496 63.3502 Sheath 17.769005 9.95941 25.5786 Shoot (apex) 3.856383416 0.0 12.7346 Shoot 17.50041166666667 4.5277 76.6773 Whole plant 36.20425 18.8847 55.9829 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 3.04535 2.34691 3.74379 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 3.8935400000000002 3.4881 4.30886 Apical meristem 5.73025 5.73025 5.73025 Stem and meristem 4.669935 4.32051 5.01936 Stems 26.72317125 8.76307 51.2316 Stem (Internode) 30.439266666666665 19.0922 47.1137 Leaf 78.61050583783783 0.557246 381.037 Leaf (apex) 5.904465 5.43627 6.37266 Leaf (bundle sheath) 43.25565 42.9106 43.6007 Leaf (mesophyll) 71.90613333333333 40.4747 112.42 Leaf (seedlings) 53.51744933333333 6.51886 154.515 Leaf and kernel 41.21443333333333 26.7362 53.7841 Ear (leaf) 101.778 101.778 101.778 Root 1.9296736458333335 0.120782 8.54383 Root (elongation zone) 1.3129629999999999 0.486546 2.22131 Root (meristematic zone) 2.854545 2.54711 3.16198 Root (stele) 3.366975 1.33186 4.71869 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 2.79084 2.79084 2.79084 Secondary root 0.372413 0.372413 0.372413 Root, root hairs removed 2.01975 2.01975 2.01975 Root (maturation zone) 1.50845 1.50845 1.50845