condition mean min max Egg cell 33.782666666666664 21.8684 43.9317 Ovary 1.504488 0.815984 2.17341 Ovule 84.488675 44.2845 158.118 Microspore 45.187751999999996 2.17476 76.5808 Bicellular microspore 1.13223 1.13223 1.13223 Pollen (mature) 28.248597324324326 0.553353 128.012 Pollen tube 24.75715 19.98 27.0661 Sperm cell 43.39590571428572 3.6071 86.7163 Pollen tube 24.75715 19.98 27.0661 Tassels (primordia) 78.40695 71.3873 83.1739 Tassels (anther) 76.4778 59.1554 90.6136 Tassels 77.989875 12.0992 118.642 Silk 27.467000000000002 15.6651 39.2689 Ear 53.23916 20.3912 120.908 Ear (immature) 43.32738333333333 38.8019 50.8119 Ear (inflorescence) 42.3608 30.0396 54.682 Ear (primordia) 57.074533333333335 10.3077 80.4346 Zygote (12 HAP) 75.68986666666667 61.2171 92.8721 Zygote (24 HAP) 60.02803333333333 41.9147 87.3954 Daughter cell (apical) 97.84306666666667 78.7134 119.242 Daughter cell (basal) 105.83486666666667 96.3906 114.257 Embryo 49.69688888888889 26.7028 78.8416 Nucellus 71.2299 67.4352 75.0246 Endopserm 17.877690714285713 8.72467 33.45 Kernel 44.081825 14.199 82.3761 Kernel (germinating) 52.993449999999996 48.1646 57.8223 Seeds 64.36114545454545 10.9679 125.657 Embryo Sac 79.0174 75.0427 82.9921 Pericarp and aleurone 23.0671 23.0671 23.0671 Coleoptile (5 day) 47.16513333333334 43.953 49.064 Seedling 53.15707826086957 16.703 84.4186 Internode 59.244142857142855 44.1746 75.0409 Sheath 145.6255 142.639 148.612 Shoot (apex) 65.7787296 36.0735 110.608 Shoot 40.187108333333335 16.917 68.8112 Whole plant 41.0924 18.968 54.2254 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 41.0108 35.9383 46.0833 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 59.3116 51.7738 67.9135 Apical meristem 63.3505 63.3505 63.3505 Stem and meristem 75.75455 73.9474 77.5617 Stems 69.007925 47.2742 96.6767 Stem (Internode) 57.66476666666667 52.807 65.0143 Leaf 39.205983513513516 8.70997 82.8703 Leaf (apex) 52.81615 50.3217 55.3106 Leaf (bundle sheath) 28.0364 15.6895 40.3833 Leaf (mesophyll) 23.49973333333333 18.9849 27.4801 Leaf (seedlings) 12.973061333333334 1.18447 32.5678 Leaf and kernel 28.525916666666667 24.2166 35.5657 Ear (leaf) 24.5266 24.5266 24.5266 Root 60.70854479166667 14.4643 105.91 Root (elongation zone) 56.402325 35.3835 76.895 Root (meristematic zone) 50.73245 46.3456 55.1193 Root (stele) 75.128325 62.5818 96.9364 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 57.1611 57.1611 57.1611 Secondary root 41.584 41.584 41.584 Root, root hairs removed 65.9631 65.9631 65.9631 Root (maturation zone) 35.124 35.124 35.124