condition mean min max Egg cell 415.24266666666665 374.605 494.502 Ovary 156.57933333333332 105.138 234.361 Ovule 755.57525 192.283 1212.26 Microspore 1.3205407 0.0 2.53204 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.887525181081081 0.0 11.1291 Pollen tube 0.2672216666666667 0.167162 0.400839 Sperm cell 0.7783922714285714 0.0 4.39485 Pollen tube 0.2672216666666667 0.167162 0.400839 Tassels (primordia) 430.07325 351.342 536.842 Tassels (anther) 216.12253846153845 117.377 467.875 Tassels 392.91125 105.611 714.878 Silk 738.4195 634.015 842.824 Ear 504.9262 214.055 947.403 Ear (immature) 248.4785 228.743 274.347 Ear (inflorescence) 338.283 335.737 340.829 Ear (primordia) 229.91740000000001 95.7624 395.956 Zygote (12 HAP) 184.55466666666666 138.751 234.837 Zygote (24 HAP) 195.50866666666667 116.999 339.329 Daughter cell (apical) 338.19033333333334 196.688 409.348 Daughter cell (basal) 223.08966666666666 118.191 338.885 Embryo 429.55134444444445 77.1141 1044.96 Nucellus 1024.4375 941.345 1107.53 Endopserm 82.45699285714285 13.928 416.597 Kernel 550.0194166666666 122.05 1449.08 Kernel (germinating) 506.86350000000004 355.492 658.235 Seeds 624.5358787878788 177.168 1472.22 Embryo Sac 335.1925 281.358 389.027 Pericarp and aleurone 218.396 218.396 218.396 Coleoptile (5 day) 641.2623333333333 629.645 650.069 Seedling 347.9878695652174 145.126 1266.48 Internode 1412.4348571428573 311.164 1930.92 Sheath 489.73800000000006 404.012 575.464 Shoot (apex) 645.0150128 84.7836 1740.95 Shoot 280.626 101.618 509.754 Whole plant 440.991 221.159 665.778 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 179.8415 156.1 203.583 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 88.9911 74.9294 103.074 Apical meristem 192.225 192.225 192.225 Stem and meristem 375.9615 342.69 409.233 Stems 1235.949875 516.982 2034.91 Stem (Internode) 1392.9966666666667 1047.98 1607.06 Leaf 304.56034684684687 16.5226 1511.24 Leaf (apex) 385.7425 332.726 438.759 Leaf (bundle sheath) 145.67204999999998 80.0851 211.259 Leaf (mesophyll) 82.41023333333334 53.0438 132.612 Leaf (seedlings) 46.56233266666667 8.91074 100.86 Leaf and kernel 284.12283333333335 103.244 384.508 Ear (leaf) 207.778 207.778 207.778 Root 986.4950520833333 133.539 2222.92 Root (elongation zone) 96.918625 20.733 280.764 Root (meristematic zone) 182.687 181.083 184.291 Root (stele) 2238.0299999999997 1550.6 2918.41 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 736.645 736.645 736.645 Secondary root 289.051 289.051 289.051 Root, root hairs removed 527.014 527.014 527.014 Root (maturation zone) 45.7221 45.7221 45.7221