condition mean min max Egg cell 17.44709 6.25497 35.3482 Ovary 2.677966666666667 1.8303 3.47141 Ovule 7.8467575 2.46543 18.5808 Microspore 11.9685376 0.957158 30.3314 Bicellular microspore 1.22243 1.22243 1.22243 Pollen (mature) 252.3982054054054 31.1145 1169.05 Pollen tube 213.96783333333332 203.674 238.731 Sperm cell 27.458722857142856 1.72316 122.176 Pollen tube 213.96783333333332 203.674 238.731 Tassels (primordia) 19.795175 15.4464 23.2321 Tassels (anther) 23.502446153846154 11.0571 36.5174 Tassels 29.35402625 6.36125 82.0675 Silk 9.59987 8.87344 10.3263 Ear 13.180718 5.30955 19.0559 Ear (immature) 17.018383333333333 12.477 22.4099 Ear (inflorescence) 26.01025 23.31 28.7105 Ear (primordia) 16.560769999999998 9.27932 25.8013 Zygote (12 HAP) 72.5166 49.7198 84.2564 Zygote (24 HAP) 72.2233 68.6679 75.3106 Daughter cell (apical) 11.476443333333332 8.54173 16.8508 Daughter cell (basal) 15.913499999999999 12.198 18.9916 Embryo 12.978328888888889 1.20417 23.8648 Nucellus 44.21565 41.8571 46.5742 Endopserm 5.140899285714286 1.28978 16.8996 Kernel 12.2927175 5.85897 24.8168 Kernel (germinating) 8.88018 7.04236 10.718 Seeds 14.826001818181819 2.59533 24.9833 Embryo Sac 8.659725 6.92595 10.3935 Pericarp and aleurone 4.75455 4.75455 4.75455 Coleoptile (5 day) 7.0187 6.74939 7.16823 Seedling 6.23306347826087 1.42933 11.998 Internode 10.8717 4.72989 27.1691 Sheath 13.9553 13.4355 14.4751 Shoot (apex) 21.768792 11.0374 45.2227 Shoot 6.6203875 1.82744 10.7844 Whole plant 8.722574999999999 7.29049 10.798 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 14.5684 11.5596 17.5772 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 50.528733333333335 46.6114 55.8285 Apical meristem 16.9253 16.9253 16.9253 Stem and meristem 19.55875 18.9244 20.1931 Stems 16.14501375 6.38876 27.084 Stem (Internode) 9.04627 7.40736 9.9798 Leaf 5.179896648648649 0.104065 30.3046 Leaf (apex) 20.51185 16.8372 24.1865 Leaf (bundle sheath) 6.91358 1.62896 12.1982 Leaf (mesophyll) 4.60668 2.71623 7.14904 Leaf (seedlings) 1.4868735933333335 0.0759449 4.19099 Leaf and kernel 4.579765 3.22168 6.06672 Ear (leaf) 5.38471 5.38471 5.38471 Root 12.7311078125 6.23108 26.6348 Root (elongation zone) 9.6086575 6.47598 13.8742 Root (meristematic zone) 9.89073 9.44976 10.3317 Root (stele) 22.045375 18.4273 29.0278 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 9.99552 9.99552 9.99552 Secondary root 9.05457 9.05457 9.05457 Root, root hairs removed 9.40891 9.40891 9.40891 Root (maturation zone) 7.70153 7.70153 7.70153