condition mean min max Egg cell 3307.8966666666665 1084.89 5766.12 Ovary 344.43666666666667 270.607 414.541 Ovule 648.8675000000001 351.758 1107.2 Microspore 756.492202 3.23691 3580.27 Bicellular microspore 4.21846 4.21846 4.21846 Pollen (mature) 352.7221 22.0756 778.894 Pollen tube 376.899 310.414 433.245 Sperm cell 1840.6477942857143 8.87903 4294.13 Pollen tube 376.899 310.414 433.245 Tassels (primordia) 1151.8475 1049.19 1249.23 Tassels (anther) 990.4704615384616 673.026 1401.85 Tassels 719.042 185.356 876.792 Silk 970.9345000000001 353.149 1588.72 Ear 1002.366 343.1 2353.27 Ear (immature) 950.158 902.639 998.839 Ear (inflorescence) 1430.4650000000001 1325.76 1535.17 Ear (primordia) 763.9911666666667 264.308 1117.03 Zygote (12 HAP) 6080.156666666667 5263.2 6567.32 Zygote (24 HAP) 4789.736666666667 4265.39 5611.93 Daughter cell (apical) 1921.2166666666667 1591.98 2202.15 Daughter cell (basal) 2207.52 1906.98 2496.27 Embryo 927.0118888888888 458.97 1322.45 Nucellus 1747.665 1597.69 1897.64 Endopserm 1479.2977857142857 698.117 3878.98 Kernel 2065.695 1219.48 3671.0 Kernel (germinating) 2047.74 1940.08 2155.4 Seeds 1471.6715151515152 1041.43 2074.7 Embryo Sac 995.0564999999999 619.103 1371.01 Pericarp and aleurone 802.321 802.321 802.321 Coleoptile (5 day) 179.29133333333334 134.135 252.856 Seedling 830.999 471.24 1343.58 Internode 1049.338 763.52 1340.11 Sheath 1112.12 1099.35 1124.89 Shoot (apex) 1736.058696 727.933 4099.68 Shoot 805.1171666666667 562.31 1162.9 Whole plant 1054.8045 754.758 1197.53 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 1464.1950000000002 1337.38 1591.01 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 1925.98 1670.76 2417.97 Apical meristem 1052.74 1052.74 1052.74 Stem and meristem 1196.0 1125.2 1266.8 Stems 1050.98525 932.507 1330.46 Stem (Internode) 1027.4243333333334 918.673 1133.06 Leaf 1120.6434234234234 262.122 5243.19 Leaf (apex) 752.766 692.102 813.43 Leaf (bundle sheath) 747.2805000000001 547.647 946.914 Leaf (mesophyll) 466.22433333333333 336.676 639.317 Leaf (seedlings) 300.5672466666667 53.4927 712.456 Leaf and kernel 923.3751666666667 702.413 1086.14 Ear (leaf) 472.451 472.451 472.451 Root 954.2311875 411.099 1758.17 Root (elongation zone) 1083.6315 835.546 1306.14 Root (meristematic zone) 784.2845 782.457 786.112 Root (stele) 1801.9275 1714.74 1934.78 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 821.195 821.195 821.195 Secondary root 1163.44 1163.44 1163.44 Root, root hairs removed 729.016 729.016 729.016 Root (maturation zone) 953.321 953.321 953.321