condition mean min max Egg cell 1025.3223333333333 750.956 1429.43 Ovary 66.07246666666666 46.683 82.5756 Ovule 255.24599999999998 191.502 315.498 Microspore 20.849547599999998 0.520368 61.4222 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 2.9783285405405406 0.0 33.5925 Pollen tube 0.9893585 0.560829 1.33391 Sperm cell 12.607191257142857 0.0 37.4461 Pollen tube 0.9893585 0.560829 1.33391 Tassels (primordia) 353.989 319.326 386.888 Tassels (anther) 137.08886923076923 37.7246 487.152 Tassels 180.2740375 79.7997 320.033 Silk 906.8385 280.367 1533.31 Ear 282.5737 103.452 512.702 Ear (immature) 323.348 285.785 372.588 Ear (inflorescence) 350.358 348.999 351.717 Ear (primordia) 282.41061666666667 53.0887 424.619 Zygote (12 HAP) 398.536 335.482 461.307 Zygote (24 HAP) 442.063 399.281 515.975 Daughter cell (apical) 519.8413333333333 494.586 564.121 Daughter cell (basal) 823.8056666666666 747.451 882.227 Embryo 254.10265555555554 80.8729 447.951 Nucellus 72.24625 61.9108 82.5817 Endopserm 346.5831857142857 54.1055 1065.02 Kernel 343.9359166666667 32.2222 653.647 Kernel (germinating) 610.3645 442.351 778.378 Seeds 408.3757575757576 87.221 947.438 Embryo Sac 296.2075 269.271 323.144 Pericarp and aleurone 114.752 114.752 114.752 Coleoptile (5 day) 346.7233333333333 307.5 366.633 Seedling 267.4205 82.0245 613.226 Internode 657.4331428571429 595.942 753.57 Sheath 147.23399999999998 129.506 164.962 Shoot (apex) 488.24304 152.99 1713.07 Shoot 534.67325 127.412 871.498 Whole plant 184.937125 88.4255 261.423 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 179.1815 149.548 208.815 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 78.71856666666667 73.9025 84.1113 Apical meristem 425.802 425.802 425.802 Stem and meristem 521.7339999999999 512.771 530.697 Stems 516.091875 245.343 728.418 Stem (Internode) 669.136 616.354 719.082 Leaf 250.913581981982 23.6035 591.806 Leaf (apex) 384.578 324.892 444.264 Leaf (bundle sheath) 266.6115 251.24 281.983 Leaf (mesophyll) 164.8895 98.7075 210.756 Leaf (seedlings) 97.82849266666666 9.92979 242.314 Leaf and kernel 272.50866666666667 174.044 381.835 Ear (leaf) 158.656 158.656 158.656 Root 632.7046041666666 221.537 2335.67 Root (elongation zone) 864.57875 606.003 1103.37 Root (meristematic zone) 402.65549999999996 400.608 404.703 Root (stele) 1045.42425 882.032 1328.7 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 611.357 611.357 611.357 Secondary root 588.318 588.318 588.318 Root, root hairs removed 693.525 693.525 693.525 Root (maturation zone) 274.836 274.836 274.836