condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	0.4921811333333333	0.0	1.43719
Ovary	7.047023333333334	4.15507	9.20654
Ovule	16.8456365	0.417786	63.8618
Microspore	0.12923669	0.0	0.327042
Bicellular microspore	0.0	0.0	0.0
Pollen (mature)	0.06096116378378379	0.0	1.14342
Pollen tube	0.031943150000000003	0.0	0.0839054
Sperm cell	0.052821771428571425	0.0	0.19609
Pollen tube	0.031943150000000003	0.0	0.0839054
Tassels (primordia)	24.2825	20.6153	27.637
Tassels (anther)	10.921846923076924	6.54229	19.0972
Tassels	24.18351	2.60388	44.0851
Silk	0.2856975	0.131216	0.440179
Ear	28.522931	1.08952	119.675
Ear (immature)	11.557466666666667	10.1364	12.7273
Ear (inflorescence)	7.56395	5.97935	9.14855
Ear (primordia)	16.163535	9.47487	26.6407
Zygote (12 HAP)	0.18058833333333335	0.110889	0.311533
Zygote (24 HAP)	0.21464046666666667	0.0881154	0.374
Daughter cell (apical)	0.025271533333333332	0.0	0.0758146
Daughter cell (basal)	0.0086538	0.0	0.0259614
Embryo	15.847191444444444	0.490451	62.555
Nucellus	12.623850000000001	12.0101	13.2376
Endopserm	2.0614497071428572	0.0553589	12.2641
Kernel	12.380455833333333	1.59088	45.5804
Kernel (germinating)	14.23125	11.3985	17.064
Seeds	22.983975454545455	1.50054	55.4809
Embryo Sac	0.144078	0.0	0.288156
Pericarp and aleurone	5.37966	5.37966	5.37966
Coleoptile (5 day)	11.7669	11.2655	12.06
Seedling	14.704524782608695	2.69435	40.3387
Internode	7.40669	1.75619	12.0606
Sheath	16.1847	12.8353	19.5341
Shoot (apex)	71.92436656	7.87462	166.574
Shoot	8.593095833333333	1.80456	16.561
Whole plant	15.743692500000002	8.30577	22.2969
Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue	13.62395	11.8267	15.4212
Meristem (SAM with Laser capture)	1.0723646666666666	0.886534	1.28837
Apical meristem	14.6271	14.6271	14.6271
Stem and meristem	23.17805	22.4955	23.8606
Stems	11.29414	6.38899	16.1341
Stem (Internode)	6.7152666666666665	4.99868	7.91156
Leaf	2.633655918918919	0.318071	15.2584
Leaf (apex)	12.22294	7.44378	17.0021
Leaf (bundle sheath)	9.9471355	0.965771	18.9285
Leaf (mesophyll)	4.064066	0.678058	10.4403
Leaf (seedlings)	0.8746109333333333	0.224917	2.74469
Leaf and kernel	0.6910248333333333	0.309146	1.28635
Ear (leaf)	0.428705	0.428705	0.428705
Root	41.62409385416667	9.12991	144.323
Root (elongation zone)	26.586299999999998	12.1462	44.9507
Root (meristematic zone)	27.6664	27.3555	27.9773
Root (stele)	59.257675	45.5533	71.8576
whole crown root (20-30 mm)	54.1733	54.1733	54.1733
Secondary root	20.747	20.747	20.747
Root, root hairs removed	36.2261	36.2261	36.2261
Root (maturation zone)	10.205	10.205	10.205