condition mean min max Egg cell 1.9070749999999999 0.929025 3.22991 Ovary 11.576046666666667 8.06924 13.3303 Ovule 17.98657 6.33148 37.29 Microspore 0.5485738 0.0 1.91591 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 6.641424864864865 0.0 42.9 Pollen tube 2.1066083333333334 1.86757 2.63616 Sperm cell 0.4713152857142857 0.0 1.42817 Pollen tube 2.1066083333333334 1.86757 2.63616 Tassels (primordia) 26.544125 25.321 28.916 Tassels (anther) 27.093407692307693 14.2096 41.2801 Tassels 38.053824999999996 15.6678 59.0402 Silk 172.93609 7.62918 338.243 Ear 33.42069 11.1684 55.6477 Ear (immature) 40.6647 34.5402 53.1299 Ear (inflorescence) 22.177 20.2534 24.1006 Ear (primordia) 20.787203333333334 3.09005 47.4424 Zygote (12 HAP) 12.90686 8.28408 15.7425 Zygote (24 HAP) 10.2975 3.34141 21.4132 Daughter cell (apical) 3.196563333333333 1.26914 6.04556 Daughter cell (basal) 2.26366 1.03652 3.50847 Embryo 23.41664111111111 9.26437 44.4693 Nucellus 30.7355 27.0261 34.4449 Endopserm 7.195051428571428 0.0 18.8474 Kernel 18.321733333333334 12.0691 27.7921 Kernel (germinating) 31.48075 26.5619 36.3996 Seeds 41.91271787878788 7.67858 76.1723 Embryo Sac 25.091700000000003 20.6258 29.5576 Pericarp and aleurone 43.9458 43.9458 43.9458 Coleoptile (5 day) 6.971843333333333 5.53564 8.41127 Seedling 38.25495652173913 26.0044 66.6821 Internode 54.751285714285714 32.7874 78.3895 Sheath 32.3301 31.3703 33.2899 Shoot (apex) 29.74272096 0.0 63.2539 Shoot 37.91348333333333 25.4434 59.0523 Whole plant 26.833175 18.5988 38.7042 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 38.3963 37.4644 39.3282 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 45.1412 37.6343 50.942 Apical meristem 21.0161 21.0161 21.0161 Stem and meristem 16.11645 15.6081 16.6248 Stems 44.894625 22.7128 80.1694 Stem (Internode) 69.65783333333333 63.1793 77.2817 Leaf 38.44269279279279 6.23011 120.003 Leaf (apex) 28.40785 27.1362 29.6795 Leaf (bundle sheath) 29.8981 23.4172 36.379 Leaf (mesophyll) 24.266066666666667 19.9519 28.6811 Leaf (seedlings) 11.073560666666667 2.66471 21.5569 Leaf and kernel 39.88356666666667 28.9409 48.3482 Ear (leaf) 47.8478 47.8478 47.8478 Root 42.9083253125 5.76479 91.818 Root (elongation zone) 22.2852 18.3391 30.4702 Root (meristematic zone) 13.43595 11.2149 15.657 Root (stele) 22.644175 15.3581 31.0563 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 33.6184 33.6184 33.6184 Secondary root 30.6744 30.6744 30.6744 Root, root hairs removed 35.396 35.396 35.396 Root (maturation zone) 14.0468 14.0468 14.0468