condition mean min max Egg cell 4.71136 3.33837 6.33232 Ovary 7.82978 5.74783 9.23412 Ovule 10.532725 3.53324 24.3572 Microspore 1.2002906 0.122681 2.77348 Bicellular microspore 0.520425 0.520425 0.520425 Pollen (mature) 1.695798945945946 0.267022 3.1163 Pollen tube 1.1066066666666665 1.00426 1.28665 Sperm cell 5.710836285714286 0.553144 10.4258 Pollen tube 1.1066066666666665 1.00426 1.28665 Tassels (primordia) 24.476100000000002 20.6122 32.5183 Tassels (anther) 14.916615384615385 11.8916 20.0046 Tassels 16.4752675 2.49477 26.4549 Silk 8.969315000000002 1.59333 16.3453 Ear 18.205139 2.66396 34.1244 Ear (immature) 9.627993333333333 5.35384 11.2474 Ear (inflorescence) 19.66755 14.1223 25.2128 Ear (primordia) 21.919348333333332 6.05899 29.4027 Zygote (12 HAP) 3.49046 1.14202 6.30143 Zygote (24 HAP) 3.3144133333333334 1.75753 5.69189 Daughter cell (apical) 8.188233333333333 5.03992 11.6877 Daughter cell (basal) 4.469626666666667 2.26422 5.89187 Embryo 19.173234444444443 5.42311 28.9051 Nucellus 27.45485 25.401 29.5087 Endopserm 9.378525714285715 2.00456 20.8508 Kernel 15.763060833333334 3.16472 23.3 Kernel (germinating) 16.301805 9.58081 23.0228 Seeds 20.40367424242424 5.83391 35.6917 Embryo Sac 10.15516 5.29652 15.0138 Pericarp and aleurone 7.37655 7.37655 7.37655 Coleoptile (5 day) 20.898 13.5481 25.0744 Seedling 23.18760043478261 7.85145 39.517 Internode 31.21488 7.55076 38.7079 Sheath 20.738 19.7626 21.7134 Shoot (apex) 19.94585136 2.65348 43.4407 Shoot 10.213165833333333 6.43839 21.6831 Whole plant 33.584425 21.1802 46.9503 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 6.99865 6.63583 7.36147 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 1.3468766666666667 1.08113 1.62113 Apical meristem 19.9023 19.9023 19.9023 Stem and meristem 20.56935 19.989 21.1497 Stems 31.6694375 23.9971 38.8754 Stem (Internode) 37.83683333333334 32.4442 41.4241 Leaf 20.22773918918919 4.93949 73.3325 Leaf (apex) 14.37485 13.1918 15.5579 Leaf (bundle sheath) 9.103545 4.31059 13.8965 Leaf (mesophyll) 13.562783333333332 9.66535 17.0418 Leaf (seedlings) 12.606202 2.12509 23.8579 Leaf and kernel 7.852893333333333 7.01591 8.63174 Ear (leaf) 17.3097 17.3097 17.3097 Root 16.984538958333335 5.52095 40.4123 Root (elongation zone) 9.6429525 2.97819 17.154 Root (meristematic zone) 16.11835 15.972 16.2647 Root (stele) 19.902275 16.285 22.6 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 17.8161 17.8161 17.8161 Secondary root 5.33381 5.33381 5.33381 Root, root hairs removed 15.4332 15.4332 15.4332 Root (maturation zone) 6.44212 6.44212 6.44212