condition mean min max Egg cell 15.801476666666668 8.18123 20.4051 Ovary 1.8357733333333333 1.00247 2.66675 Ovule 5.7888 3.31318 7.52443 Microspore 6.2845572 0.161306 19.98 Bicellular microspore 0.259856 0.259856 0.259856 Pollen (mature) 0.28930661621621623 0.0 1.6666 Pollen tube 0.2668548333333333 0.161976 0.38797 Sperm cell 2.394466 0.0 6.06563 Pollen tube 0.2668548333333333 0.161976 0.38797 Tassels (primordia) 16.010275 12.6004 18.9519 Tassels (anther) 12.955143076923077 4.00974 19.0051 Tassels 6.169485 2.65529 12.093 Silk 7.9909300000000005 3.92876 12.0531 Ear 10.997486 2.95029 25.8873 Ear (immature) 20.223083333333335 14.11 22.9847 Ear (inflorescence) 10.34225 6.8892 13.7953 Ear (primordia) 13.688355000000001 4.50643 17.504 Zygote (12 HAP) 16.6418 12.7336 19.2324 Zygote (24 HAP) 21.0494 18.7271 23.075 Daughter cell (apical) 28.834866666666667 22.6737 32.0715 Daughter cell (basal) 19.448966666666667 16.5742 22.9688 Embryo 10.46688111111111 7.1459 15.0136 Nucellus 18.1878 17.8215 18.5541 Endopserm 4.902849642857143 0.758304 13.7568 Kernel 8.779198333333333 3.67614 19.2711 Kernel (germinating) 15.495275 5.48905 25.5015 Seeds 6.964874848484849 1.88792 10.5067 Embryo Sac 2.9362150000000002 1.51895 4.35348 Pericarp and aleurone 3.03206 3.03206 3.03206 Coleoptile (5 day) 26.338766666666665 22.1775 29.3854 Seedling 7.639812173913043 2.72892 12.9233 Internode 10.265704285714286 8.28379 12.3343 Sheath 7.560554999999999 6.28325 8.83786 Shoot (apex) 16.6182952 6.63051 37.4477 Shoot 6.752695 4.59577 10.9156 Whole plant 9.83121 6.31383 12.792 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 11.58595 11.3107 11.8612 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 18.2135 15.1156 20.4164 Apical meristem 16.8737 16.8737 16.8737 Stem and meristem 10.331015 8.99383 11.6682 Stems 9.9830875 5.81005 14.9141 Stem (Internode) 10.793716666666667 9.56225 11.7812 Leaf 12.427534054054053 2.68903 60.9635 Leaf (apex) 24.2463 19.2707 29.2219 Leaf (bundle sheath) 7.16437 6.83362 7.49512 Leaf (mesophyll) 9.94471 6.64666 16.0491 Leaf (seedlings) 4.789331333333333 1.65743 7.2273 Leaf and kernel 7.54493 4.87151 8.65524 Ear (leaf) 8.60131 8.60131 8.60131 Root 8.6656696875 1.70182 30.7721 Root (elongation zone) 1.5074925 1.15417 1.78809 Root (meristematic zone) 2.73207 2.67801 2.78613 Root (stele) 12.745190000000001 9.43446 20.2236 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 6.79627 6.79627 6.79627 Secondary root 2.49821 2.49821 2.49821 Root, root hairs removed 4.2372 4.2372 4.2372 Root (maturation zone) 4.18108 4.18108 4.18108