condition mean min max Egg cell 12.340076666666667 4.56601 24.048 Ovary 1.6029766666666667 1.20953 1.82494 Ovule 13.064715 4.75961 30.8862 Microspore 2.78519156 0.0 12.9039 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 1.1964401027027027 0.0 2.78784 Pollen tube 0.5715208333333334 0.540693 0.682778 Sperm cell 0.015302142857142858 0.0 0.0620573 Pollen tube 0.5715208333333334 0.540693 0.682778 Tassels (primordia) 19.91335 12.567 34.1156 Tassels (anther) 26.552415384615383 16.12 47.5731 Tassels 22.76453625 9.45559 54.8089 Silk 9.32251 3.18242 15.4626 Ear 20.105656 5.63162 75.5061 Ear (immature) 25.649616666666667 19.9312 30.3372 Ear (inflorescence) 16.25625 15.3235 17.189 Ear (primordia) 37.305483333333335 27.8142 70.7374 Zygote (12 HAP) 25.006866666666667 22.2069 27.6267 Zygote (24 HAP) 27.982866666666666 19.7875 35.553 Daughter cell (apical) 5.67914 4.56796 6.72977 Daughter cell (basal) 3.9013833333333334 2.75942 5.43467 Embryo 14.730464444444445 5.91644 24.453 Nucellus 40.105599999999995 40.0783 40.1329 Endopserm 8.102264285714286 1.61019 21.3179 Kernel 20.270010833333334 6.22318 60.1144 Kernel (germinating) 19.39085 12.8648 25.9169 Seeds 12.757272727272728 2.27115 23.3519 Embryo Sac 19.77745 15.5933 23.9616 Pericarp and aleurone 7.74033 7.74033 7.74033 Coleoptile (5 day) 13.581733333333334 12.8855 14.8273 Seedling 8.210290434782609 2.42969 28.7435 Internode 17.553557142857144 11.4338 27.0558 Sheath 14.82095 14.1332 15.5087 Shoot (apex) 16.1700556 7.08358 29.5079 Shoot 8.698289166666667 3.39837 13.4666 Whole plant 11.6644225 7.14529 16.569 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 10.57091 9.85412 11.2877 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 11.66803 8.20179 16.2017 Apical meristem 26.3423 26.3423 26.3423 Stem and meristem 19.97935 18.4292 21.5295 Stems 12.2928575 9.37842 17.2639 Stem (Internode) 16.837666666666667 14.5887 19.1071 Leaf 10.455778468468468 1.72022 32.5002 Leaf (apex) 17.8367 17.3277 18.3457 Leaf (bundle sheath) 3.4524049999999997 2.48521 4.4196 Leaf (mesophyll) 3.4724166666666667 2.29381 4.1806 Leaf (seedlings) 1.9261899333333334 0.0 6.35961 Leaf and kernel 6.849885 4.57851 10.3243 Ear (leaf) 5.61659 5.61659 5.61659 Root 14.9724975 6.61321 26.4922 Root (elongation zone) 15.952975 12.9188 18.568 Root (meristematic zone) 15.7228 15.3988 16.0468 Root (stele) 12.933075 11.865 15.2207 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 19.5306 19.5306 19.5306 Secondary root 29.4345 29.4345 29.4345 Root, root hairs removed 19.9055 19.9055 19.9055 Root (maturation zone) 21.7107 21.7107 21.7107