condition mean min max Egg cell 5.3107500000000005 2.3347 10.4391 Ovary 3.5071966666666667 2.40029 4.37671 Ovule 51.68685 11.6577 146.577 Microspore 11.8088802 0.662261 29.404 Bicellular microspore 1.53072 1.53072 1.53072 Pollen (mature) 4.5920824324324325 0.394094 20.0259 Pollen tube 13.285745 6.89327 21.6144 Sperm cell 42.13635714285714 10.1998 78.2599 Pollen tube 13.285745 6.89327 21.6144 Tassels (primordia) 49.32035 38.4845 54.7718 Tassels (anther) 64.23455384615384 34.3825 84.9806 Tassels 68.2881 19.8029 220.876 Silk 40.47339 8.45948 72.4873 Ear 39.688223 8.97373 116.987 Ear (immature) 51.087 26.5728 61.8474 Ear (inflorescence) 37.346849999999996 22.642 52.0517 Ear (primordia) 119.3329 48.0338 198.644 Zygote (12 HAP) 9.04941 8.24885 9.78428 Zygote (24 HAP) 11.532733333333335 10.9502 12.3053 Daughter cell (apical) 11.55373 8.04699 15.6372 Daughter cell (basal) 10.22105 8.71495 11.5272 Embryo 55.10134444444444 26.4845 115.876 Nucellus 128.9765 125.761 132.192 Endopserm 27.919765 5.72189 93.235 Kernel 46.349833333333336 22.5287 93.9278 Kernel (germinating) 26.59465 25.3508 27.8385 Seeds 48.28570606060606 14.4534 128.088 Embryo Sac 66.2986 56.0356 76.5616 Pericarp and aleurone 21.0722 21.0722 21.0722 Coleoptile (5 day) 210.14766666666668 173.174 246.155 Seedling 31.03354347826087 10.8729 51.8886 Internode 56.62271428571429 26.5839 76.6945 Sheath 50.9074 49.4519 52.3629 Shoot (apex) 25.60274056 9.1329 55.3005 Shoot 42.97779166666667 23.907 81.1463 Whole plant 118.691625 28.8343 278.177 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 12.25085 12.1744 12.3273 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 12.954096666666667 7.59759 19.1269 Apical meristem 53.0665 53.0665 53.0665 Stem and meristem 28.6744 26.8803 30.4685 Stems 44.351475 30.2554 71.3427 Stem (Internode) 56.290933333333335 52.9142 61.1998 Leaf 41.61334369369369 7.00984 188.8 Leaf (apex) 65.33425 60.596 70.0725 Leaf (bundle sheath) 15.5629 12.5896 18.5362 Leaf (mesophyll) 18.48636666666667 16.6809 20.8211 Leaf (seedlings) 15.727244 3.97443 36.2588 Leaf and kernel 18.32196666666667 16.4077 20.5428 Ear (leaf) 44.9514 44.9514 44.9514 Root 30.892898958333333 12.7225 72.1038 Root (elongation zone) 25.20275 12.2314 39.3674 Root (meristematic zone) 22.5533 21.777 23.3296 Root (stele) 20.26045 18.9929 21.7468 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 33.1106 33.1106 33.1106 Secondary root 28.8302 28.8302 28.8302 Root, root hairs removed 37.2945 37.2945 37.2945 Root (maturation zone) 23.5738 23.5738 23.5738