condition mean min max Egg cell 56.89833333333333 41.6779 81.4634 Ovary 14.312266666666666 10.4693 16.5615 Ovule 72.821675 59.4205 101.596 Microspore 16.986582 1.80661 26.8066 Bicellular microspore 3.0279 3.0279 3.0279 Pollen (mature) 86.50258108108108 15.3242 280.456 Pollen tube 32.41298333333333 28.6265 36.9304 Sperm cell 11.326181428571429 1.0459 28.6895 Pollen tube 32.41298333333333 28.6265 36.9304 Tassels (primordia) 101.62594999999999 88.9823 124.687 Tassels (anther) 131.19167692307693 96.7119 231.534 Tassels 137.39485 11.7992 254.152 Silk 88.2132 50.8114 125.615 Ear 84.03562 34.4246 126.565 Ear (immature) 53.40988333333333 47.9751 59.2654 Ear (inflorescence) 71.765 55.8129 87.7171 Ear (primordia) 108.6639 10.8634 165.112 Zygote (12 HAP) 55.53926666666667 38.234 69.7972 Zygote (24 HAP) 45.8759 37.0663 55.0186 Daughter cell (apical) 58.72563333333333 51.8719 67.7789 Daughter cell (basal) 60.570033333333335 50.4461 67.5297 Embryo 93.86321111111111 56.2346 131.222 Nucellus 132.225 113.701 150.749 Endopserm 49.4571 12.8063 117.085 Kernel 69.12444166666667 43.7405 107.148 Kernel (germinating) 166.1935 162.949 169.438 Seeds 128.8897 23.7684 222.314 Embryo Sac 103.10480000000001 78.7476 127.462 Pericarp and aleurone 40.8518 40.8518 40.8518 Coleoptile (5 day) 343.41333333333336 305.166 372.439 Seedling 63.85654347826087 13.8256 108.143 Internode 134.96971428571428 109.548 184.153 Sheath 115.145 113.72 116.57 Shoot (apex) 97.822124 52.6197 146.597 Shoot 55.57855833333333 22.4963 97.5934 Whole plant 67.134325 31.8311 111.89 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 67.5136 63.1373 71.8899 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 117.73966666666666 102.467 128.102 Apical meristem 95.6463 95.6463 95.6463 Stem and meristem 178.993 172.743 185.243 Stems 139.75725 106.914 185.771 Stem (Internode) 115.982 98.568 143.528 Leaf 57.13594054054054 9.02713 193.385 Leaf (apex) 88.9624 86.1003 91.8245 Leaf (bundle sheath) 47.450900000000004 26.7497 68.1521 Leaf (mesophyll) 37.8077 31.5797 45.8898 Leaf (seedlings) 20.010161333333333 3.41047 46.0558 Leaf and kernel 29.012633333333333 22.1983 38.9634 Ear (leaf) 22.9583 22.9583 22.9583 Root 137.55190104166667 46.1835 284.826 Root (elongation zone) 295.6595 203.942 400.669 Root (meristematic zone) 264.664 259.744 269.584 Root (stele) 135.2305 114.651 162.105 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 202.275 202.275 202.275 Secondary root 183.163 183.163 183.163 Root, root hairs removed 147.402 147.402 147.402 Root (maturation zone) 139.425 139.425 139.425