condition mean min max Egg cell 123.36183333333334 50.2265 204.952 Ovary 26.676566666666666 18.4574 33.7231 Ovule 82.339875 57.1665 131.02 Microspore 43.949158 1.13329 135.202 Bicellular microspore 1.00036 1.00036 1.00036 Pollen (mature) 16.01438972972973 1.9585 68.7783 Pollen tube 7.51945 5.96584 8.83427 Sperm cell 94.39206057142857 0.963094 219.802 Pollen tube 7.51945 5.96584 8.83427 Tassels (primordia) 109.54225 96.982 137.789 Tassels (anther) 80.60118461538461 47.7324 92.1861 Tassels 61.81745 12.5697 101.205 Silk 69.6371 22.4372 116.837 Ear 113.81079 23.1697 300.018 Ear (immature) 71.62865 63.0128 84.7128 Ear (inflorescence) 281.3145 272.077 290.552 Ear (primordia) 67.78143333333334 10.9127 85.7944 Zygote (12 HAP) 73.7309 41.7923 91.4008 Zygote (24 HAP) 65.90023333333333 64.1228 67.6498 Daughter cell (apical) 47.6663 38.8739 62.2522 Daughter cell (basal) 50.3754 39.2669 58.9507 Embryo 113.08173333333333 48.1506 177.983 Nucellus 139.0045 132.606 145.403 Endopserm 59.903685714285714 23.9955 145.215 Kernel 63.22779166666667 22.1785 86.2928 Kernel (germinating) 93.28774999999999 63.8595 122.716 Seeds 71.06445454545455 27.2293 118.736 Embryo Sac 96.46799999999999 68.58 124.356 Pericarp and aleurone 18.3647 18.3647 18.3647 Coleoptile (5 day) 87.3836 84.0365 90.062 Seedling 39.575717391304345 10.3742 63.2812 Internode 73.98938571428572 63.8576 96.2327 Sheath 78.2747 67.7278 88.8216 Shoot (apex) 95.933568 46.3781 163.102 Shoot 31.586750000000002 16.2296 53.243 Whole plant 63.0488 26.5159 78.9123 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 104.3944 89.5678 119.221 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 153.54166666666666 143.944 172.01 Apical meristem 108.244 108.244 108.244 Stem and meristem 107.62115 95.7413 119.501 Stems 91.5436 61.7962 122.169 Stem (Internode) 72.43116666666667 71.358 73.9615 Leaf 48.14399756756757 6.10287 223.532 Leaf (apex) 123.66550000000001 122.534 124.797 Leaf (bundle sheath) 28.121650000000002 23.1304 33.1129 Leaf (mesophyll) 22.754166666666666 17.6125 25.5683 Leaf (seedlings) 11.397522666666667 1.504 28.3353 Leaf and kernel 36.87811666666667 26.4092 53.529 Ear (leaf) 18.3115 18.3115 18.3115 Root 69.568875 26.8215 141.439 Root (elongation zone) 73.619925 65.3347 86.5719 Root (meristematic zone) 167.062 159.957 174.167 Root (stele) 64.870725 54.8831 78.3629 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 71.2158 71.2158 71.2158 Secondary root 89.5852 89.5852 89.5852 Root, root hairs removed 57.97 57.97 57.97 Root (maturation zone) 112.165 112.165 112.165