condition mean min max Egg cell 28.5209 21.8865 32.1118 Ovary 4.422903333333334 3.6309 4.95126 Ovule 22.65515 12.2255 32.7179 Microspore 13.4772982 0.339531 41.446 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.34885666216216216 0.0 2.08142 Pollen tube 0.0714804 0.0 0.129719 Sperm cell 1.8851474285714285 0.0 4.97033 Pollen tube 0.0714804 0.0 0.129719 Tassels (primordia) 50.3981 32.3197 61.7648 Tassels (anther) 20.106446153846154 11.385 26.9742 Tassels 11.025514999999999 2.74466 20.2095 Silk 12.8333 10.4269 15.2397 Ear 27.3545 11.2517 57.6561 Ear (immature) 30.908783333333332 26.4912 36.6365 Ear (inflorescence) 62.82055 58.4489 67.1922 Ear (primordia) 28.682181666666665 2.87359 44.5176 Zygote (12 HAP) 9.276953333333333 2.35498 19.7732 Zygote (24 HAP) 8.023196666666667 3.82064 11.1006 Daughter cell (apical) 26.647633333333335 23.9606 30.1536 Daughter cell (basal) 25.049433333333333 20.3781 27.6365 Embryo 18.028444444444446 1.30198 41.7474 Nucellus 51.6173 50.2019 53.0327 Endopserm 9.626154214285714 0.567779 34.7145 Kernel 10.814485 3.69536 27.1297 Kernel (germinating) 7.507825 4.87565 10.14 Seeds 16.87913818181818 3.21739 32.5041 Embryo Sac 32.26415 30.9808 33.5475 Pericarp and aleurone 4.29176 4.29176 4.29176 Coleoptile (5 day) 19.408366666666666 16.9041 21.6366 Seedling 5.6339560869565215 1.31758 14.2541 Internode 16.065328571428573 10.0603 20.3183 Sheath 10.910250000000001 10.7383 11.0822 Shoot (apex) 28.004608 10.5247 59.0667 Shoot 4.6570833333333335 1.62902 10.2197 Whole plant 11.654165 6.80778 18.6738 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 27.36185 24.6325 30.0912 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 41.8615 34.2192 53.9332 Apical meristem 46.832 46.832 46.832 Stem and meristem 21.65625 20.8276 22.4849 Stems 22.6888 13.8473 34.8269 Stem (Internode) 17.876066666666667 16.7837 19.9255 Leaf 6.42159545045045 0.0 31.349 Leaf (apex) 48.84325 45.5708 52.1157 Leaf (bundle sheath) 3.5537430000000003 0.989536 6.11795 Leaf (mesophyll) 2.1580133333333333 1.12501 3.56736 Leaf (seedlings) 1.5953338666666668 0.329362 6.5576 Leaf and kernel 3.7549650000000003 2.16272 4.57657 Ear (leaf) 3.64181 3.64181 3.64181 Root 10.195358854166667 2.1177 35.3346 Root (elongation zone) 1.42663325 0.507781 3.41638 Root (meristematic zone) 7.33669 6.95896 7.71442 Root (stele) 14.768374999999999 11.5214 20.0339 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 6.18938 6.18938 6.18938 Secondary root 3.70377 3.70377 3.70377 Root, root hairs removed 4.53398 4.53398 4.53398 Root (maturation zone) 4.46047 4.46047 4.46047