condition mean min max Egg cell 0.9641666666666667 0.139713 2.56759 Ovary 6.36395 4.16596 8.04105 Ovule 7.316244999999999 1.45637 20.3191 Microspore 0.53970556 0.0610618 1.92085 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.19381687027027028 0.0 0.712517 Pollen tube 0.3985033333333333 0.358212 0.489237 Sperm cell 0.0039855142857142855 0.0 0.0278986 Pollen tube 0.3985033333333333 0.358212 0.489237 Tassels (primordia) 12.549150000000001 10.2491 15.6346 Tassels (anther) 7.9315915384615385 5.10513 11.7053 Tassels 14.89777625 2.24654 31.6522 Silk 4.109015 2.10981 6.10822 Ear 10.275135 2.857 17.1951 Ear (immature) 13.3686 10.7893 16.1504 Ear (inflorescence) 6.14778 5.80874 6.48682 Ear (primordia) 11.033895 2.94027 30.7532 Zygote (12 HAP) 2.7395833333333335 1.11066 5.80348 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.838636666666667 2.11858 3.54774 Daughter cell (apical) 0.22346866666666668 0.104107 0.328443 Daughter cell (basal) 0.31177866666666665 0.177362 0.407248 Embryo 6.559047777777778 2.13999 12.2736 Nucellus 20.10645 20.0674 20.1455 Endopserm 3.9374851428571427 0.897342 13.4802 Kernel 10.332836666666667 2.78276 25.9553 Kernel (germinating) 11.6159 8.5122 14.7196 Seeds 9.594407757575757 0.915286 20.4508 Embryo Sac 2.93717 2.2601 3.61424 Pericarp and aleurone 4.11013 4.11013 4.11013 Coleoptile (5 day) 23.52316666666667 20.637 26.7084 Seedling 22.386444782608695 4.39564 45.851 Internode 8.737071428571427 3.63827 34.3884 Sheath 44.21935 36.9439 51.4948 Shoot (apex) 49.3570928 11.6605 89.5071 Shoot 39.35136083333333 5.14155 60.8414 Whole plant 28.445025 22.4762 45.0997 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 14.6905 13.6674 15.7136 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 7.354056666666667 5.50168 9.72301 Apical meristem 13.0404 13.0404 13.0404 Stem and meristem 14.20105 13.8298 14.5723 Stems 7.3305175 3.93394 11.1602 Stem (Internode) 6.02439 5.2894 7.00084 Leaf 7.25447836036036 0.91616 46.6198 Leaf (apex) 11.9927 10.3067 13.6787 Leaf (bundle sheath) 18.85802 2.04654 35.6695 Leaf (mesophyll) 14.772813333333334 1.86138 32.9818 Leaf (seedlings) 1.7369 0.240162 3.87495 Leaf and kernel 2.523865 1.05575 4.57379 Ear (leaf) 1.00874 1.00874 1.00874 Root 8.351934791666666 2.10051 16.8965 Root (elongation zone) 4.701195 2.32578 7.78667 Root (meristematic zone) 4.69808 4.23154 5.16462 Root (stele) 4.67003 2.83443 6.03769 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 8.82069 8.82069 8.82069 Secondary root 2.71547 2.71547 2.71547 Root, root hairs removed 7.61448 7.61448 7.61448 Root (maturation zone) 4.10864 4.10864 4.10864