condition mean min max Egg cell 11.041116666666667 6.91253 18.9909 Ovary 0.10032663333333333 0.0598462 0.146104 Ovule 82.0885 21.8692 219.581 Microspore 51.180134 4.60587 99.7843 Bicellular microspore 2.99733 2.99733 2.99733 Pollen (mature) 0.7164085027027027 0.0 8.44337 Pollen tube 0.10269141666666667 0.0 0.162976 Sperm cell 1.8457682285714285 0.0587462 4.02848 Pollen tube 0.10269141666666667 0.0 0.162976 Tassels (primordia) 66.6666 49.5369 98.6031 Tassels (anther) 23.358433076923077 6.1281 44.9477 Tassels 76.8732375 6.0051 156.947 Silk 6.826515 4.42249 9.23054 Ear 88.30277 25.4438 176.899 Ear (immature) 6.756098333333334 4.14368 9.7232 Ear (inflorescence) 84.0461 53.3442 114.748 Ear (primordia) 95.61688166666667 6.97139 128.868 Zygote (12 HAP) 21.7037 18.8905 24.6901 Zygote (24 HAP) 17.615133333333333 16.054 18.4393 Daughter cell (apical) 12.376633333333332 10.7775 15.0644 Daughter cell (basal) 9.256146666666666 8.88163 9.4533 Embryo 52.419832222222226 2.95659 130.967 Nucellus 15.1245 14.5619 15.6871 Endopserm 18.70083214285714 0.97295 41.4116 Kernel 15.60959625 0.614095 40.8285 Kernel (germinating) 20.01135 19.1847 20.838 Seeds 111.09326909090909 4.72303 320.889 Embryo Sac 49.503550000000004 42.402 56.6051 Pericarp and aleurone 24.8998 24.8998 24.8998 Coleoptile (5 day) 5.5731399999999995 4.96726 6.22203 Seedling 33.284717826086954 2.39828 73.7876 Internode 119.78548571428571 29.7957 200.166 Sheath 75.24875 75.1538 75.3437 Shoot (apex) 38.334742096 0.415537 216.811 Shoot 14.5989975 5.21021 40.6984 Whole plant 6.8457825 1.46557 13.3428 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 90.11015 73.1453 107.075 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 287.70933333333335 201.592 395.345 Apical meristem 79.7006 79.7006 79.7006 Stem and meristem 117.7375 107.857 127.618 Stems 242.207 136.363 366.485 Stem (Internode) 130.531 112.797 140.22 Leaf 22.229173079279278 0.0 79.792 Leaf (apex) 90.8815 87.1725 94.5905 Leaf (bundle sheath) 38.37665 31.7726 44.9807 Leaf (mesophyll) 34.4296 22.6181 40.5328 Leaf (seedlings) 2.0217454666666668 0.19109 4.79573 Leaf and kernel 6.371243333333333 2.95982 12.8914 Ear (leaf) 12.6923 12.6923 12.6923 Root 31.502501354166668 1.45653 120.245 Root (elongation zone) 27.23796 7.80606 52.8404 Root (meristematic zone) 51.9217 48.8464 54.997 Root (stele) 44.392849999999996 12.3795 60.6292 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 31.6253 31.6253 31.6253 Secondary root 3.55067 3.55067 3.55067 Root, root hairs removed 23.2931 23.2931 23.2931 Root (maturation zone) 27.6757 27.6757 27.6757