condition mean min max Egg cell 105.17033333333333 31.439 153.157 Ovary 24.498433333333335 16.8209 28.9068 Ovule 155.481 104.857 201.98 Microspore 32.144636 1.20058 56.6845 Bicellular microspore 1.09101 1.09101 1.09101 Pollen (mature) 5.211999162162162 0.140759 19.5923 Pollen tube 1.358665 1.10817 1.52931 Sperm cell 4.203103571428572 0.0 9.29993 Pollen tube 1.358665 1.10817 1.52931 Tassels (primordia) 228.79775 171.298 345.978 Tassels (anther) 155.84083846153845 64.1446 259.381 Tassels 134.489375 66.9588 288.431 Silk 96.48445 32.1429 160.826 Ear 254.66649999999998 76.96 570.02 Ear (immature) 208.76466666666667 137.74 289.299 Ear (inflorescence) 174.378 167.229 181.527 Ear (primordia) 258.73583333333335 70.534 349.298 Zygote (12 HAP) 153.31166666666667 130.753 166.659 Zygote (24 HAP) 200.226 174.423 225.397 Daughter cell (apical) 242.137 213.03 285.224 Daughter cell (basal) 299.903 279.579 315.281 Embryo 291.47367777777777 81.3071 761.849 Nucellus 150.13400000000001 137.695 162.573 Endopserm 80.37091142857143 5.71996 311.524 Kernel 141.9307 39.5383 301.441 Kernel (germinating) 260.89799999999997 213.634 308.162 Seeds 189.51678787878788 28.1152 382.498 Embryo Sac 246.784 169.289 324.279 Pericarp and aleurone 36.416 36.416 36.416 Coleoptile (5 day) 182.66633333333334 168.296 190.466 Seedling 94.94436521739131 31.0085 205.91 Internode 216.604 145.399 390.434 Sheath 200.51350000000002 197.722 203.305 Shoot (apex) 215.8890056 69.3218 549.198 Shoot 217.330925 62.2161 304.887 Whole plant 92.6664 45.7738 132.185 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 355.451 324.917 385.985 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 782.0703333333333 627.04 900.155 Apical meristem 396.816 396.816 396.816 Stem and meristem 519.0955 493.069 545.122 Stems 260.15049999999997 165.832 385.452 Stem (Internode) 178.716 174.219 185.056 Leaf 92.0444918918919 5.48362 731.548 Leaf (apex) 509.5065 507.973 511.04 Leaf (bundle sheath) 91.2216 65.5812 116.862 Leaf (mesophyll) 61.46073333333333 39.4266 90.5281 Leaf (seedlings) 14.974623333333334 2.71121 29.5754 Leaf and kernel 40.31773333333333 19.1675 99.8076 Ear (leaf) 84.0126 84.0126 84.0126 Root 243.41687604166665 57.5055 694.333 Root (elongation zone) 369.60275 237.645 532.945 Root (meristematic zone) 732.3575000000001 722.023 742.692 Root (stele) 134.10425 116.258 159.643 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 285.839 285.839 285.839 Secondary root 358.144 358.144 358.144 Root, root hairs removed 249.806 249.806 249.806 Root (maturation zone) 718.542 718.542 718.542