condition mean min max Egg cell 32.77149333333333 2.18058 67.7359 Ovary 606.0416666666667 458.636 719.787 Ovule 407.71375 187.187 981.175 Microspore 233.4483534 0.936007 1015.07 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 14.138852297297298 0.475079 65.7704 Pollen tube 65.8532 28.1059 101.726 Sperm cell 333.1618985714286 3.13571 977.114 Pollen tube 65.8532 28.1059 101.726 Tassels (primordia) 1099.68425 776.454 1442.77 Tassels (anther) 845.9051538461539 493.023 1298.37 Tassels 768.35375 125.437 1963.19 Silk 252.9685 128.72 377.217 Ear 936.5164 323.467 1739.58 Ear (immature) 2108.4266666666667 2014.92 2262.61 Ear (inflorescence) 1435.345 1172.63 1698.06 Ear (primordia) 873.1361666666667 262.761 1838.35 Zygote (12 HAP) 1103.051 287.46 2107.64 Zygote (24 HAP) 891.0556666666666 629.37 1118.57 Daughter cell (apical) 129.57646666666668 70.7544 214.309 Daughter cell (basal) 142.10146666666668 70.0844 219.792 Embryo 350.83754444444446 17.5733 675.184 Nucellus 1089.8 1013.33 1166.27 Endopserm 437.68564285714285 203.366 1236.61 Kernel 551.7440833333334 217.202 1708.37 Kernel (germinating) 770.74 446.31 1095.17 Seeds 374.90737272727273 20.2045 1263.97 Embryo Sac 170.6895 128.008 213.371 Pericarp and aleurone 418.819 418.819 418.819 Coleoptile (5 day) 349.808 316.073 395.764 Seedling 432.16804347826087 155.51 1733.75 Internode 566.8665714285714 252.526 895.982 Sheath 417.5195 346.598 488.441 Shoot (apex) 1147.317496 526.546 2460.62 Shoot 484.44433333333336 302.722 650.278 Whole plant 499.52524999999997 245.683 897.281 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 1171.4545 986.729 1356.18 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 338.66666666666663 218.222 539.853 Apical meristem 1146.97 1146.97 1146.97 Stem and meristem 602.4145000000001 572.264 632.565 Stems 302.986375 102.647 616.661 Stem (Internode) 652.3836666666667 614.782 713.177 Leaf 370.7773025225225 9.39518 1234.92 Leaf (apex) 760.685 748.408 772.962 Leaf (bundle sheath) 185.82 168.42 203.22 Leaf (mesophyll) 144.21933333333334 117.492 164.198 Leaf (seedlings) 124.30078 27.5623 210.734 Leaf and kernel 383.14633333333336 312.697 447.158 Ear (leaf) 157.193 157.193 157.193 Root 470.58803125 160.198 1683.41 Root (elongation zone) 575.01825 338.467 856.252 Root (meristematic zone) 315.5635 301.405 329.722 Root (stele) 262.4645 109.672 380.952 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 277.256 277.256 277.256 Secondary root 449.681 449.681 449.681 Root, root hairs removed 374.257 374.257 374.257 Root (maturation zone) 684.045 684.045 684.045