condition mean min max Egg cell 2.0639666666666665 1.42369 2.52976 Ovary 1.8725866666666666 1.24849 2.38141 Ovule 5.5950774999999995 1.85571 15.1055 Microspore 18.806744 4.00647 32.1322 Bicellular microspore 1.78644 1.78644 1.78644 Pollen (mature) 9.011734324324324 2.87673 40.5085 Pollen tube 4.522845 4.15084 5.22454 Sperm cell 3.8483584285714287 0.903949 10.2376 Pollen tube 4.522845 4.15084 5.22454 Tassels (primordia) 25.609949999999998 19.1124 28.9544 Tassels (anther) 26.671523076923076 17.521 35.7323 Tassels 20.4920925 4.1879 27.8231 Silk 9.200955 7.86741 10.5345 Ear 17.564903 7.01316 28.9056 Ear (immature) 11.8896 11.1333 13.545 Ear (inflorescence) 13.6598 10.5532 16.7664 Ear (primordia) 13.241495 2.01661 20.8354 Zygote (12 HAP) 4.5408333333333335 1.61434 8.52264 Zygote (24 HAP) 7.570146666666667 3.89651 11.5334 Daughter cell (apical) 3.43501 2.46366 4.3468 Daughter cell (basal) 5.465676666666667 3.55813 7.43859 Embryo 12.145083333333334 6.37696 15.9686 Nucellus 9.06635 8.0198 10.1129 Endopserm 4.629675 1.19547 9.97009 Kernel 8.164403333333333 3.39405 20.6789 Kernel (germinating) 15.79995 11.9723 19.6276 Seeds 14.097848181818183 1.6007 27.9134 Embryo Sac 6.03622 3.25856 8.81388 Pericarp and aleurone 5.8615 5.8615 5.8615 Coleoptile (5 day) 19.57336666666667 17.0698 21.7955 Seedling 14.77541652173913 3.06572 27.8018 Internode 30.822314285714285 17.2767 37.8881 Sheath 27.1547 25.1363 29.1731 Shoot (apex) 23.464932 12.9798 41.4817 Shoot 8.044849166666667 4.24892 15.3986 Whole plant 15.478185 8.24834 21.8214 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 12.3696 10.5581 14.1811 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 33.0419 26.403 36.416 Apical meristem 19.8355 19.8355 19.8355 Stem and meristem 23.2322 22.5215 23.9429 Stems 33.337575 28.8816 40.7129 Stem (Internode) 31.805566666666667 27.316 36.8575 Leaf 13.84309936936937 2.17823 47.3861 Leaf (apex) 15.51225 14.2759 16.7486 Leaf (bundle sheath) 4.932055 2.46819 7.39592 Leaf (mesophyll) 4.503733333333333 3.96155 5.13735 Leaf (seedlings) 5.171836666666667 1.50095 12.1415 Leaf and kernel 7.547905 5.15264 10.0867 Ear (leaf) 13.9177 13.9177 13.9177 Root 27.271038333333333 7.46248 55.4253 Root (elongation zone) 28.518625 13.2761 45.0808 Root (meristematic zone) 26.22275 25.5102 26.9353 Root (stele) 26.719675000000002 22.7094 28.9342 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 27.6085 27.6085 27.6085 Secondary root 14.0024 14.0024 14.0024 Root, root hairs removed 19.8832 19.8832 19.8832 Root (maturation zone) 9.80457 9.80457 9.80457