condition mean min max Egg cell 2.6469313333333333 0.402664 4.68873 Ovary 2.6478266666666666 1.87023 3.23142 Ovule 14.74625 10.1836 19.707 Microspore 22.650703399999998 0.417157 97.957 Bicellular microspore 1.95393 1.95393 1.95393 Pollen (mature) 4.9627459459459455 1.00408 10.5966 Pollen tube 3.127595 2.79289 3.43699 Sperm cell 11.625366428571429 0.139183 32.3223 Pollen tube 3.127595 2.79289 3.43699 Tassels (primordia) 24.09405 16.3397 33.7172 Tassels (anther) 19.824453846153848 9.3514 30.7736 Tassels 24.512375 1.32455 42.894 Silk 55.65171 6.83042 104.473 Ear 33.259026 5.11072 110.864 Ear (immature) 14.267226666666666 4.67826 19.8579 Ear (inflorescence) 12.3703 8.208 16.5326 Ear (primordia) 10.387895 1.44058 19.9447 Zygote (12 HAP) 0.537728 0.107121 0.80389 Zygote (24 HAP) 1.6347766666666665 0.0 3.85647 Daughter cell (apical) 4.57877 1.58388 7.07044 Daughter cell (basal) 2.8652766666666665 1.2402 4.97523 Embryo 25.26378888888889 10.5935 46.6384 Nucellus 21.3059 19.19 23.4218 Endopserm 4.027287142857142 1.77979 10.8165 Kernel 9.549478333333333 3.59495 25.2604 Kernel (germinating) 35.73925 24.5243 46.9542 Seeds 18.36269909090909 1.69584 42.6479 Embryo Sac 16.5465 11.2624 21.8306 Pericarp and aleurone 4.41044 4.41044 4.41044 Coleoptile (5 day) 29.3321 18.7495 35.044 Seedling 57.72307826086956 12.4177 124.453 Internode 69.454 15.2968 105.856 Sheath 55.11855 39.0832 71.1539 Shoot (apex) 23.43555776 2.51258 73.1471 Shoot 27.199953333333333 9.56494 59.4134 Whole plant 96.652625 61.2067 124.83 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 13.7452 12.9083 14.5821 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 35.88343333333333 30.8177 40.1451 Apical meristem 7.06064 7.06064 7.06064 Stem and meristem 18.7245 18.1008 19.3482 Stems 65.0214125 34.2127 98.5649 Stem (Internode) 88.54716666666667 70.7825 111.551 Leaf 62.39060747747748 1.03393 303.354 Leaf (apex) 14.627600000000001 13.3392 15.916 Leaf (bundle sheath) 28.828500000000002 15.2738 42.3832 Leaf (mesophyll) 37.8588 34.3803 44.4184 Leaf (seedlings) 44.00416 10.0957 92.637 Leaf and kernel 28.834033333333334 25.7636 33.7459 Ear (leaf) 64.9956 64.9956 64.9956 Root 16.803925416666665 1.61321 86.8216 Root (elongation zone) 16.201715 8.03168 28.1145 Root (meristematic zone) 18.29335 18.2367 18.35 Root (stele) 25.2746 16.1234 31.852 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 28.6605 28.6605 28.6605 Secondary root 13.714 13.714 13.714 Root, root hairs removed 28.4467 28.4467 28.4467 Root (maturation zone) 11.8694 11.8694 11.8694