condition mean min max Egg cell 0.9497866666666667 0.094077 2.52906 Ovary 2.0345033333333333 1.65629 2.29575 Ovule 1.9999432499999998 0.0327655 7.82133 Microspore 7.846356 1.11002 15.8973 Bicellular microspore 2.41993 2.41993 2.41993 Pollen (mature) 7.3869237000000005 0.0472119 20.4415 Pollen tube 1.71987 1.56224 1.93211 Sperm cell 1.2122446571428571 0.0115357 3.66388 Pollen tube 1.71987 1.56224 1.93211 Tassels (primordia) 8.517115 5.32457 10.9888 Tassels (anther) 19.943926923076923 4.13136 36.8089 Tassels 27.77265975 0.990448 63.7259 Silk 3.486195 1.03204 5.94035 Ear 7.33402 1.14002 25.595 Ear (immature) 3.332263333333333 1.41356 4.30831 Ear (inflorescence) 3.88463 3.47332 4.29594 Ear (primordia) 7.384666666666667 2.12049 12.8004 Zygote (12 HAP) 4.844406666666666 1.21867 10.4378 Zygote (24 HAP) 6.012483333333334 2.86127 7.66347 Daughter cell (apical) 4.774413333333333 3.49329 6.35936 Daughter cell (basal) 7.868543333333333 7.21561 9.09216 Embryo 6.858079555555555 0.606636 18.2744 Nucellus 12.1547 10.2382 14.0712 Endopserm 6.187580714285715 1.62311 15.3481 Kernel 8.5395575 2.49602 13.7743 Kernel (germinating) 13.229075 8.52175 17.9364 Seeds 13.414644242424242 2.37994 31.0841 Embryo Sac 0.1063071 0.0834532 0.129161 Pericarp and aleurone 8.47923 8.47923 8.47923 Coleoptile (5 day) 16.86253333333333 11.8588 19.3837 Seedling 35.5813 12.6661 68.8622 Internode 25.499594285714284 7.43926 39.0874 Sheath 23.079700000000003 20.3627 25.7967 Shoot (apex) 8.08480088 1.12387 16.6973 Shoot 21.48701416666667 8.75287 34.6786 Whole plant 50.119725 29.0632 73.3001 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 2.564145 2.31219 2.8161 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 0.025186233333333332 0.0 0.0427769 Apical meristem 6.8076 6.8076 6.8076 Stem and meristem 9.57769 7.89238 11.263 Stems 26.99435 21.9465 39.0453 Stem (Internode) 25.757 25.064 27.1108 Leaf 34.57927198198198 1.65411 118.387 Leaf (apex) 9.68209 6.07398 13.2902 Leaf (bundle sheath) 19.00875 15.7966 22.2209 Leaf (mesophyll) 31.063133333333333 24.1058 35.0698 Leaf (seedlings) 18.913435333333332 4.53682 40.4483 Leaf and kernel 32.57373333333333 25.8052 45.2658 Ear (leaf) 30.2586 30.2586 30.2586 Root 34.410375625 2.62091 75.328 Root (elongation zone) 27.284375 10.3456 49.1782 Root (meristematic zone) 4.283925 3.83988 4.72797 Root (stele) 11.95923 7.26532 13.6393 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 43.7694 43.7694 43.7694 Secondary root 17.0471 17.0471 17.0471 Root, root hairs removed 42.3334 42.3334 42.3334 Root (maturation zone) 2.09696 2.09696 2.09696