condition mean min max Egg cell 4.484393333333333 3.25159 5.4865 Ovary 4.16924 2.7868 5.15345 Ovule 53.226725 19.3922 93.3005 Microspore 4.5501394 0.652551 11.348 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.12139043054054054 0.0 1.1075 Pollen tube 0.21714521666666667 0.0753053 0.35946 Sperm cell 18.74255942857143 0.467797 48.9279 Pollen tube 0.21714521666666667 0.0753053 0.35946 Tassels (primordia) 22.1553 14.1982 27.579 Tassels (anther) 29.52826923076923 20.03 38.5384 Tassels 16.444796 0.869718 29.4246 Silk 28.88615 15.5272 42.2451 Ear 36.804265 4.23578 153.406 Ear (immature) 6.413895 4.47028 8.09645 Ear (inflorescence) 10.73525 7.0001 14.4704 Ear (primordia) 11.816073333333334 1.80344 15.3542 Zygote (12 HAP) 7.296646666666667 6.38999 8.52079 Zygote (24 HAP) 8.696746666666668 2.3361 16.9813 Daughter cell (apical) 37.44273333333334 16.6825 54.8609 Daughter cell (basal) 31.655833333333334 24.9693 42.5629 Embryo 22.20831111111111 10.4224 40.9268 Nucellus 71.82685000000001 65.8892 77.7645 Endopserm 7.963735714285714 3.25347 21.3793 Kernel 21.677017499999998 5.94001 45.7352 Kernel (germinating) 32.82065 16.5888 49.0525 Seeds 30.750762424242424 5.82707 64.4703 Embryo Sac 33.78105 33.2006 34.3615 Pericarp and aleurone 11.3638 11.3638 11.3638 Coleoptile (5 day) 27.649933333333333 21.9918 32.1596 Seedling 54.983273913043476 14.0359 102.989 Internode 57.41218571428571 13.8645 71.2295 Sheath 57.642399999999995 56.2908 58.994 Shoot (apex) 31.19140136 9.92627 66.3525 Shoot 20.193525 10.6636 32.9572 Whole plant 52.343475 27.9129 68.5791 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 11.4361 11.0732 11.799 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 10.491733333333334 10.1143 10.9191 Apical meristem 12.9766 12.9766 12.9766 Stem and meristem 21.024 19.9498 22.0982 Stems 51.1186125 22.0625 76.628 Stem (Internode) 71.87886666666667 69.9606 73.0808 Leaf 45.79232702702703 4.93023 142.448 Leaf (apex) 18.6156 16.6805 20.5507 Leaf (bundle sheath) 22.0209 13.352 30.6898 Leaf (mesophyll) 24.07776666666667 20.7739 26.309 Leaf (seedlings) 24.193683333333333 6.29516 58.8533 Leaf and kernel 29.867783333333335 24.8938 35.2683 Ear (leaf) 48.4068 48.4068 48.4068 Root 34.15022489583333 8.55279 72.5396 Root (elongation zone) 11.978125 3.40847 27.3467 Root (meristematic zone) 14.95475 12.646 17.2635 Root (stele) 42.73935 27.0261 55.1789 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 30.3996 30.3996 30.3996 Secondary root 11.5549 11.5549 11.5549 Root, root hairs removed 16.8775 16.8775 16.8775 Root (maturation zone) 4.30167 4.30167 4.30167