condition mean min max Egg cell 188.84966666666668 135.038 218.74 Ovary 12.750689999999999 8.83137 16.2962 Ovule 115.19325 102.774 138.101 Microspore 186.199234 2.90657 440.575 Bicellular microspore 5.59947 5.59947 5.59947 Pollen (mature) 9.000678648648648 2.03875 50.3684 Pollen tube 4.62519 4.38695 5.09733 Sperm cell 0.9003239999999999 0.0 5.38958 Pollen tube 4.62519 4.38695 5.09733 Tassels (primordia) 243.31875 186.565 310.837 Tassels (anther) 161.49228461538462 74.4017 238.089 Tassels 140.5465625 81.5944 302.957 Silk 96.0216 63.7202 128.323 Ear 249.04783 65.5786 627.034 Ear (immature) 146.2965 123.542 184.387 Ear (inflorescence) 87.91805 84.0262 91.8099 Ear (primordia) 153.7798 61.8078 224.039 Zygote (12 HAP) 176.42566666666667 137.233 211.086 Zygote (24 HAP) 308.55133333333333 296.324 324.546 Daughter cell (apical) 191.19366666666667 146.942 242.388 Daughter cell (basal) 201.86166666666668 195.9 209.724 Embryo 217.86662222222222 24.3358 423.901 Nucellus 140.239 139.686 140.792 Endopserm 142.1059857142857 22.0735 464.343 Kernel 147.78778333333332 55.9768 235.143 Kernel (germinating) 328.5715 290.945 366.198 Seeds 178.10664545454546 47.2621 282.067 Embryo Sac 150.7695 118.328 183.211 Pericarp and aleurone 34.9562 34.9562 34.9562 Coleoptile (5 day) 76.53303333333334 57.3073 96.2248 Seedling 126.05747826086957 28.9008 468.891 Internode 155.58995714285714 75.4805 514.547 Sheath 202.96949999999998 176.12 229.819 Shoot (apex) 168.97426 9.8608 518.811 Shoot 288.1146083333333 38.4013 481.056 Whole plant 105.696175 71.2216 140.028 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 287.98900000000003 269.987 305.991 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 1022.4516666666667 956.815 1097.13 Apical meristem 453.828 453.828 453.828 Stem and meristem 452.039 438.66 465.418 Stems 151.53645 75.2611 258.762 Stem (Internode) 90.88433333333333 79.7525 105.907 Leaf 136.6905710810811 8.08249 877.793 Leaf (apex) 443.11749999999995 410.633 475.602 Leaf (bundle sheath) 186.27069999999998 74.4684 298.073 Leaf (mesophyll) 141.62696666666668 77.5649 242.173 Leaf (seedlings) 18.785869333333334 1.35626 42.5783 Leaf and kernel 37.0273 13.0988 81.8946 Ear (leaf) 73.4367 73.4367 73.4367 Root 265.49091979166667 49.078 1100.04 Root (elongation zone) 409.04449999999997 197.102 646.797 Root (meristematic zone) 829.54 816.038 843.042 Root (stele) 140.61355 99.6982 195.749 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 293.759 293.759 293.759 Secondary root 597.734 597.734 597.734 Root, root hairs removed 329.441 329.441 329.441 Root (maturation zone) 1200.58 1200.58 1200.58