condition mean min max Egg cell 0.9732649999999999 0.340716 2.01232 Ovary 6.166716666666667 3.89855 8.36304 Ovule 10.829505000000001 4.64103 24.638 Microspore 1.5252086 0.0 4.148 Bicellular microspore 0.129015 0.129015 0.129015 Pollen (mature) 0.3875301972972973 0.0 1.485 Pollen tube 0.19964316666666665 0.143536 0.268294 Sperm cell 0.47246638571428573 0.0 1.6608 Pollen tube 0.19964316666666665 0.143536 0.268294 Tassels (primordia) 23.240775 21.1271 26.7279 Tassels (anther) 7.2886546153846155 2.44902 10.3947 Tassels 10.57858625 4.56609 21.3403 Silk 5.22858 3.29159 7.16557 Ear 12.627165 4.30526 33.6201 Ear (immature) 8.412963333333334 7.79251 8.89016 Ear (inflorescence) 14.2302 13.1588 15.3016 Ear (primordia) 17.091425 6.464 26.6695 Zygote (12 HAP) 1.150187 0.499061 1.55502 Zygote (24 HAP) 2.2100666666666666 1.23528 3.62358 Daughter cell (apical) 2.4751966666666667 1.85185 2.90385 Daughter cell (basal) 1.9325386666666666 0.515636 3.48186 Embryo 6.2831777777777775 1.08497 11.6517 Nucellus 11.58595 11.0762 12.0957 Endopserm 2.4604966428571426 0.586295 8.52635 Kernel 6.1011425 3.28021 12.4632 Kernel (germinating) 9.10644 7.34018 10.8727 Seeds 12.889881575757576 0.779225 23.8439 Embryo Sac 10.654255 5.12261 16.1859 Pericarp and aleurone 2.93548 2.93548 2.93548 Coleoptile (5 day) 4.7723 4.57197 5.06321 Seedling 4.677958086956521 0.784979 10.2511 Internode 9.947185714285714 6.74239 15.5259 Sheath 6.9136299999999995 6.09728 7.72998 Shoot (apex) 12.57805176 3.66508 26.3875 Shoot 3.53414 1.63457 6.33599 Whole plant 6.97378 6.1747 7.87106 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 8.114925 8.03779 8.19206 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 1.6020533333333333 1.0862 2.1905 Apical meristem 22.7014 22.7014 22.7014 Stem and meristem 16.41085 16.1496 16.6721 Stems 12.1825175 8.61507 20.0193 Stem (Internode) 10.854343333333333 6.99628 17.3467 Leaf 5.018928027027027 0.402485 47.0438 Leaf (apex) 11.17115 10.3435 11.9988 Leaf (bundle sheath) 1.445293 0.843846 2.04674 Leaf (mesophyll) 1.375143 0.724929 2.12898 Leaf (seedlings) 0.9529534 0.165179 1.83285 Leaf and kernel 1.5557688333333333 0.871043 2.08484 Ear (leaf) 3.2094 3.2094 3.2094 Root 11.1364196875 2.4932 29.4929 Root (elongation zone) 17.653475 12.5905 22.7155 Root (meristematic zone) 20.400550000000003 19.4264 21.3747 Root (stele) 4.9442 4.61901 5.10232 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 15.7388 15.7388 15.7388 Secondary root 16.5068 16.5068 16.5068 Root, root hairs removed 17.9747 17.9747 17.9747 Root (maturation zone) 28.1451 28.1451 28.1451