condition mean min max Egg cell 5.12035 2.07034 11.1359 Ovary 17.008733333333332 12.4579 19.3814 Ovule 34.1122775 9.73551 96.4066 Microspore 0.87175126 0.0459603 2.78315 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 0.9015456189189189 0.0 4.31489 Pollen tube 0.23725166666666667 0.128058 0.321971 Sperm cell 0.6740883714285714 0.0 1.87663 Pollen tube 0.23725166666666667 0.128058 0.321971 Tassels (primordia) 48.035975 41.9983 60.0764 Tassels (anther) 40.46309230769231 25.6212 61.0533 Tassels 50.483512499999996 19.2344 87.6569 Silk 58.75385 44.8462 72.6615 Ear 64.97116 21.7259 128.385 Ear (immature) 95.86391666666667 57.2557 122.09 Ear (inflorescence) 75.5658 66.611 84.5206 Ear (primordia) 59.261 44.8053 101.891 Zygote (12 HAP) 15.7704 12.1652 20.0483 Zygote (24 HAP) 13.20745 7.13745 21.6661 Daughter cell (apical) 2.94646 1.58629 3.91628 Daughter cell (basal) 3.21547 2.05323 5.25697 Embryo 33.101931111111114 6.8818 78.3208 Nucellus 263.4665 250.766 276.167 Endopserm 29.26124857142857 5.66786 90.6691 Kernel 79.25344166666666 20.3297 243.29 Kernel (germinating) 37.37185 22.9256 51.8181 Seeds 37.89320696969697 7.39347 133.851 Embryo Sac 31.6735 25.3902 37.9568 Pericarp and aleurone 35.5932 35.5932 35.5932 Coleoptile (5 day) 83.49226666666667 72.6047 100.78 Seedling 56.36704782608696 25.6655 104.225 Internode 70.81758571428571 50.7986 109.544 Sheath 98.8082 83.9794 113.637 Shoot (apex) 74.0677224 37.6023 220.752 Shoot 61.13095833333333 33.8117 133.859 Whole plant 74.441975 42.7371 134.138 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 32.01275 28.8 35.2255 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 6.521436666666666 1.36005 9.92221 Apical meristem 36.1236 36.1236 36.1236 Stem and meristem 41.1834 40.7784 41.5884 Stems 47.42765 32.0811 68.5969 Stem (Internode) 70.03143333333334 60.5684 82.757 Leaf 78.76678405405406 7.76523 394.648 Leaf (apex) 39.4096 35.396 43.4232 Leaf (bundle sheath) 42.542100000000005 39.0473 46.0369 Leaf (mesophyll) 41.51043333333333 30.5086 56.8586 Leaf (seedlings) 17.1538716 0.843574 44.9708 Leaf and kernel 80.33973333333333 63.6125 99.9514 Ear (leaf) 27.2829 27.2829 27.2829 Root 60.291190625 16.3967 185.261 Root (elongation zone) 29.2412 24.3004 35.8664 Root (meristematic zone) 11.4958 10.3493 12.6423 Root (stele) 73.33975 53.7624 113.88 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 43.924 43.924 43.924 Secondary root 83.3344 83.3344 83.3344 Root, root hairs removed 52.8421 52.8421 52.8421 Root (maturation zone) 22.975 22.975 22.975