condition mean min max Egg cell 7.526743333333333 2.24425 12.1459 Ovary 10.221223333333333 7.50707 12.4461 Ovule 15.2946175 1.34299 53.2866 Microspore 2.52525752 0.0311382 11.9992 Bicellular microspore 0.200648 0.200648 0.200648 Pollen (mature) 2.267909643243243 0.0658828 4.66941 Pollen tube 4.016173333333334 3.38088 5.52612 Sperm cell 6.945065857142857 0.128782 16.2832 Pollen tube 4.016173333333334 3.38088 5.52612 Tassels (primordia) 81.480625 76.7397 91.8733 Tassels (anther) 66.10505384615385 36.269 85.448 Tassels 40.9861875 19.1912 83.5833 Silk 26.68325 25.28 28.0865 Ear 63.17848 27.9844 169.482 Ear (immature) 76.41793333333334 71.4731 80.5005 Ear (inflorescence) 74.7122 71.1566 78.2678 Ear (primordia) 78.45298333333334 54.9761 88.3479 Zygote (12 HAP) 17.816233333333333 13.1425 23.2847 Zygote (24 HAP) 23.867166666666666 16.6763 29.8236 Daughter cell (apical) 7.34397 4.253 9.47705 Daughter cell (basal) 10.614283333333333 8.28102 14.1495 Embryo 37.973372222222224 9.70985 60.3506 Nucellus 134.646 131.539 137.753 Endopserm 35.577557142857145 16.0057 58.601 Kernel 51.1898 23.3254 90.2888 Kernel (germinating) 38.7366 31.038 46.4352 Seeds 45.20927575757576 18.2965 79.9204 Embryo Sac 3.75964 2.95816 4.56112 Pericarp and aleurone 20.9669 20.9669 20.9669 Coleoptile (5 day) 42.45813333333333 37.8916 48.9681 Seedling 36.34836956521739 13.2574 104.79 Internode 41.570885714285716 28.1214 70.5679 Sheath 120.164 113.486 126.842 Shoot (apex) 55.5739784 31.3269 88.1355 Shoot 23.473066666666668 15.9465 39.2725 Whole plant 53.630575 47.298 62.7943 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 49.4426 46.7914 52.0938 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 22.064433333333334 15.9296 28.4564 Apical meristem 87.2945 87.2945 87.2945 Stem and meristem 55.29945 52.5277 58.0712 Stems 47.440999999999995 36.9723 70.4682 Stem (Internode) 37.68946666666667 30.102 42.6137 Leaf 33.57271945945946 7.51566 88.9209 Leaf (apex) 72.27199999999999 67.3049 77.2391 Leaf (bundle sheath) 18.28575 14.9489 21.6226 Leaf (mesophyll) 17.12623333333333 14.4061 18.7204 Leaf (seedlings) 9.658955466666667 0.31401 27.8646 Leaf and kernel 25.056283333333333 21.675 29.4403 Ear (leaf) 27.3662 27.3662 27.3662 Root 38.280847916666666 19.834 57.0325 Root (elongation zone) 25.3518 19.3771 30.2537 Root (meristematic zone) 39.5939 38.223 40.9648 Root (stele) 38.07515 32.1395 43.0345 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 26.4948 26.4948 26.4948 Secondary root 36.3133 36.3133 36.3133 Root, root hairs removed 39.5967 39.5967 39.5967 Root (maturation zone) 42.7536 42.7536 42.7536