condition mean min max Egg cell 39.1225 37.8759 41.2919 Ovary 5.892356666666667 4.04866 7.79668 Ovule 25.528225 13.2612 32.383 Microspore 24.713954 4.70593 43.2177 Bicellular microspore 5.4732 5.4732 5.4732 Pollen (mature) 1.943706427027027 0.0151468 8.0044 Pollen tube 3.8290516666666665 2.38672 6.30821 Sperm cell 80.65007142857142 14.2167 151.197 Pollen tube 3.8290516666666665 2.38672 6.30821 Tassels (primordia) 44.235299999999995 33.0541 57.6143 Tassels (anther) 44.67904615384615 21.3138 75.9823 Tassels 23.8348875 4.23144 46.6267 Silk 11.17098 1.29436 21.0476 Ear 21.254623 6.51606 42.0374 Ear (immature) 13.691208333333334 6.53585 16.1542 Ear (inflorescence) 23.5201 15.5425 31.4977 Ear (primordia) 44.31198166666667 7.19379 54.513 Zygote (12 HAP) 37.83606666666667 35.1538 40.2198 Zygote (24 HAP) 49.961 39.8977 55.3335 Daughter cell (apical) 88.6064 78.075 97.5868 Daughter cell (basal) 64.14583333333334 57.6748 67.9038 Embryo 32.057607777777775 9.88867 56.7673 Nucellus 61.848 59.313 64.383 Endopserm 20.653311428571428 6.73496 53.6464 Kernel 32.392875 5.034 49.209 Kernel (germinating) 17.64075 13.9427 21.3388 Seeds 29.494240303030303 6.42004 62.1353 Embryo Sac 42.88095 27.9655 57.7964 Pericarp and aleurone 10.1868 10.1868 10.1868 Coleoptile (5 day) 18.730766666666668 13.6826 21.72 Seedling 18.21366391304348 7.23898 31.4777 Internode 22.985885714285715 14.7723 31.3652 Sheath 29.839650000000002 24.9185 34.7608 Shoot (apex) 24.00398976 6.7379 46.7101 Shoot 9.970221666666667 6.42614 17.015 Whole plant 24.78485 12.0817 30.2522 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 8.277435 7.5577 8.99717 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 7.55368 5.27818 9.81134 Apical meristem 36.9308 36.9308 36.9308 Stem and meristem 24.8412 24.7606 24.9218 Stems 30.8244 20.0025 43.2329 Stem (Internode) 23.932366666666667 22.4619 24.9355 Leaf 18.527647567567566 1.57052 92.7727 Leaf (apex) 25.72565 22.2373 29.214 Leaf (bundle sheath) 7.429095 3.02069 11.8375 Leaf (mesophyll) 10.633486666666666 8.62566 12.4014 Leaf (seedlings) 8.859368 2.06585 15.8228 Leaf and kernel 8.474805 6.94854 10.3582 Ear (leaf) 18.7473 18.7473 18.7473 Root 18.4579340625 2.53496 37.6398 Root (elongation zone) 8.8069625 1.74735 15.7724 Root (meristematic zone) 33.8277 33.2346 34.4208 Root (stele) 21.981725 19.7689 25.6138 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 19.5698 19.5698 19.5698 Secondary root 6.35167 6.35167 6.35167 Root, root hairs removed 19.788 19.788 19.788 Root (maturation zone) 10.2354 10.2354 10.2354