condition mean min max Egg cell 89.9136 52.0126 139.674 Ovary 2.3337333333333334 1.51215 2.7753 Ovule 84.738425 44.5573 129.918 Microspore 10.850274 1.38613 25.9308 Bicellular microspore 1.67209 1.67209 1.67209 Pollen (mature) 2.2192045945945944 0.348545 7.69617 Pollen tube 1.4830116666666666 1.20535 1.9258 Sperm cell 33.63565714285714 2.41412 74.3205 Pollen tube 1.4830116666666666 1.20535 1.9258 Tassels (primordia) 89.222925 74.554 114.313 Tassels (anther) 62.332307692307694 40.4423 91.2977 Tassels 35.55342875 3.19673 70.1205 Silk 42.0426 16.1905 67.8947 Ear 36.92341 18.7383 54.3253 Ear (immature) 32.01113333333333 26.7908 35.1824 Ear (inflorescence) 44.44145 31.8675 57.0154 Ear (primordia) 60.675023333333336 4.92244 76.8042 Zygote (12 HAP) 46.510533333333335 32.9699 65.8889 Zygote (24 HAP) 56.67 43.6426 67.2689 Daughter cell (apical) 70.80723333333333 49.5117 86.9153 Daughter cell (basal) 83.33683333333333 61.173 98.1603 Embryo 55.90266666666667 20.7985 93.6596 Nucellus 62.19915 58.4201 65.9782 Endopserm 26.257182142857143 6.86684 64.5764 Kernel 34.4192125 9.54595 60.0682 Kernel (germinating) 50.8264 44.388 57.2648 Seeds 51.68964242424242 12.507 92.8168 Embryo Sac 60.91015 53.8522 67.9681 Pericarp and aleurone 18.7366 18.7366 18.7366 Coleoptile (5 day) 45.033566666666665 39.2652 48.9668 Seedling 28.60957304347826 6.61724 44.1763 Internode 45.57225714285714 25.5455 54.6305 Sheath 37.00445 34.5147 39.4942 Shoot (apex) 47.7660536 19.6355 93.6511 Shoot 15.360280833333332 8.6578 36.635 Whole plant 24.9825 16.5555 30.2759 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 24.9051 21.3289 28.4813 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 36.4581 34.507 40.3432 Apical meristem 68.1644 68.1644 68.1644 Stem and meristem 67.4865 66.4135 68.5595 Stems 59.116725 46.0537 77.3012 Stem (Internode) 49.4713 39.5783 56.0999 Leaf 27.38723036036036 3.19133 71.951 Leaf (apex) 61.954350000000005 50.028 73.8807 Leaf (bundle sheath) 17.0287 11.7688 22.2886 Leaf (mesophyll) 18.801733333333335 17.1459 21.9749 Leaf (seedlings) 11.431750666666666 0.92572 25.8165 Leaf and kernel 15.327883333333332 11.1582 18.8967 Ear (leaf) 17.3207 17.3207 17.3207 Root 44.527585520833334 7.83551 86.5515 Root (elongation zone) 24.8720675 9.70767 40.9031 Root (meristematic zone) 91.18195 89.1808 93.1831 Root (stele) 78.537825 70.5833 85.0664 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 51.1738 51.1738 51.1738 Secondary root 23.0754 23.0754 23.0754 Root, root hairs removed 38.2083 38.2083 38.2083 Root (maturation zone) 34.6228 34.6228 34.6228