condition mean min max Egg cell 207.34233333333333 141.466 251.681 Ovary 15.374033333333333 10.5138 18.2165 Ovule 283.70725 210.979 329.044 Microspore 127.256438 6.92739 378.187 Bicellular microspore 8.40761 8.40761 8.40761 Pollen (mature) 6.178813297297297 0.683942 19.1695 Pollen tube 2.0665566666666666 1.47014 2.68587 Sperm cell 2.489552485714286 0.0501254 7.03939 Pollen tube 2.0665566666666666 1.47014 2.68587 Tassels (primordia) 416.453 375.365 448.311 Tassels (anther) 153.15453846153846 60.003 279.452 Tassels 134.6003625 36.9019 314.944 Silk 174.39 159.656 189.124 Ear 215.60323 79.7696 537.186 Ear (immature) 233.49483333333333 176.807 262.343 Ear (inflorescence) 192.772 139.713 245.831 Ear (primordia) 765.0655 159.225 1606.68 Zygote (12 HAP) 149.08366666666666 135.808 159.649 Zygote (24 HAP) 204.66433333333333 187.521 219.154 Daughter cell (apical) 415.50033333333334 394.51 426.867 Daughter cell (basal) 474.24466666666666 424.143 570.091 Embryo 439.26542222222224 63.2368 761.022 Nucellus 406.7155 388.584 424.847 Endopserm 95.51089571428572 9.44104 520.267 Kernel 123.073525 48.2505 248.154 Kernel (germinating) 128.2635 110.255 146.272 Seeds 231.29556666666667 53.0272 432.229 Embryo Sac 475.30949999999996 460.556 490.063 Pericarp and aleurone 24.9413 24.9413 24.9413 Coleoptile (5 day) 360.2583333333333 299.65 396.852 Seedling 59.92828565217391 7.0942 216.514 Internode 186.21328571428572 152.013 281.902 Sheath 262.4525 239.318 285.587 Shoot (apex) 168.8552224 60.9757 390.617 Shoot 84.50483333333334 30.9907 137.784 Whole plant 85.7702 56.9216 134.583 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 148.9445 140.977 156.912 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 290.5036666666667 195.633 345.643 Apical meristem 430.403 430.403 430.403 Stem and meristem 317.8685 302.044 333.693 Stems 322.2385 169.298 590.016 Stem (Internode) 156.951 137.008 187.634 Leaf 50.969137027027024 3.26185 376.812 Leaf (apex) 444.9805 368.052 521.909 Leaf (bundle sheath) 20.18775 10.4103 29.9652 Leaf (mesophyll) 14.997226666666666 8.13378 22.2861 Leaf (seedlings) 8.284542666666667 2.00149 23.7452 Leaf and kernel 9.760828333333333 2.70104 29.9051 Ear (leaf) 30.0859 30.0859 30.0859 Root 120.66816874999999 25.5448 377.263 Root (elongation zone) 71.03625 45.6474 99.5504 Root (meristematic zone) 322.0355 310.446 333.625 Root (stele) 142.52875 103.625 187.0 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 101.37 101.37 101.37 Secondary root 95.9368 95.9368 95.9368 Root, root hairs removed 145.673 145.673 145.673 Root (maturation zone) 171.596 171.596 171.596