condition mean min max Egg cell 851.1053333333333 731.588 993.302 Ovary 259.3686666666667 189.363 319.756 Ovule 834.801 578.795 1145.91 Microspore 498.229994 0.34915 2445.54 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 157.04653127027026 0.0 885.358 Pollen tube 91.53126666666667 81.4712 101.132 Sperm cell 210.73627142857143 0.0 547.476 Pollen tube 91.53126666666667 81.4712 101.132 Tassels (primordia) 390.81475 293.297 473.847 Tassels (anther) 851.7073846153846 305.993 1376.24 Tassels 525.633375 366.457 834.013 Silk 632.8635 206.997 1058.73 Ear 900.8857 553.149 1664.58 Ear (immature) 1049.5171666666668 896.341 1328.15 Ear (inflorescence) 442.41999999999996 432.149 452.691 Ear (primordia) 367.26133333333337 200.671 500.927 Zygote (12 HAP) 982.1796666666667 900.469 1036.99 Zygote (24 HAP) 669.531 582.307 772.093 Daughter cell (apical) 445.99033333333335 291.919 639.98 Daughter cell (basal) 644.4376666666667 512.553 804.332 Embryo 911.9724444444445 489.183 2308.96 Nucellus 422.7395 420.591 424.888 Endopserm 506.95779285714286 83.0601 1163.38 Kernel 1081.1363333333334 277.905 2668.58 Kernel (germinating) 924.5125 501.105 1347.92 Seeds 681.8480303030303 178.767 1017.85 Embryo Sac 733.9794999999999 728.428 739.531 Pericarp and aleurone 170.928 170.928 170.928 Coleoptile (5 day) 1098.9063333333334 941.109 1205.22 Seedling 479.3665652173913 159.276 1795.16 Internode 647.4242857142857 479.752 866.066 Sheath 257.5155 242.331 272.7 Shoot (apex) 866.785328 369.531 1401.25 Shoot 450.58816666666667 237.396 893.743 Whole plant 433.73125 371.368 496.366 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 387.2665 384.817 389.716 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 240.23133333333334 211.97 263.626 Apical meristem 609.275 609.275 609.275 Stem and meristem 586.763 578.504 595.022 Stems 662.0805 487.374 846.613 Stem (Internode) 614.344 496.937 759.131 Leaf 449.7697765765766 82.157 1298.0 Leaf (apex) 547.3415 476.929 617.754 Leaf (bundle sheath) 437.9145 423.402 452.427 Leaf (mesophyll) 299.4916666666667 224.744 408.239 Leaf (seedlings) 104.85973333333334 10.7626 237.947 Leaf and kernel 168.16616666666667 144.931 191.146 Ear (leaf) 348.577 348.577 348.577 Root 839.0611458333333 340.838 1663.06 Root (elongation zone) 1159.5272499999999 653.869 1433.29 Root (meristematic zone) 709.7635 659.669 759.858 Root (stele) 841.02725 691.584 1014.49 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 881.203 881.203 881.203 Secondary root 511.541 511.541 511.541 Root, root hairs removed 1018.27 1018.27 1018.27 Root (maturation zone) 379.583 379.583 379.583