condition mean min max Egg cell 11.75971 6.66893 19.716 Ovary 8.790836666666667 5.70041 10.5752 Ovule 21.727980000000002 9.85482 42.459 Microspore 11.176899 0.450985 36.6105 Bicellular microspore 0.21687 0.21687 0.21687 Pollen (mature) 0.8265145675675676 0.0 2.80271 Pollen tube 1.3689033333333334 1.21876 1.54535 Sperm cell 0.22806691428571427 0.0 0.549684 Pollen tube 1.3689033333333334 1.21876 1.54535 Tassels (primordia) 36.4295 30.2948 42.7246 Tassels (anther) 49.62240769230769 29.6136 80.3604 Tassels 25.188355 3.63334 45.0215 Silk 24.5323 18.6485 30.4161 Ear 20.548560000000002 10.7055 36.8896 Ear (immature) 15.693716666666667 13.7659 18.8954 Ear (inflorescence) 20.6845 14.4754 26.8936 Ear (primordia) 39.00765833333333 3.56685 62.1786 Zygote (12 HAP) 23.077299999999997 13.404 34.2848 Zygote (24 HAP) 21.589666666666666 16.5322 28.6087 Daughter cell (apical) 14.308246666666667 8.89154 20.6176 Daughter cell (basal) 14.796633333333332 10.224 21.9032 Embryo 27.52394333333333 4.10619 47.4298 Nucellus 80.9481 77.6934 84.2028 Endopserm 8.583330714285713 1.38485 22.9151 Kernel 21.813716666666668 7.07959 60.8209 Kernel (germinating) 28.63485 20.9785 36.2912 Seeds 24.04318818181818 4.6218 41.8441 Embryo Sac 15.00313 8.37116 21.6351 Pericarp and aleurone 16.9712 16.9712 16.9712 Coleoptile (5 day) 42.023133333333334 33.7807 46.33 Seedling 24.42134347826087 5.29517 50.2853 Internode 42.4104 25.1325 70.71 Sheath 45.098150000000004 44.8111 45.3852 Shoot (apex) 42.4787712 21.0128 89.3076 Shoot 15.9831625 7.57825 30.2605 Whole plant 29.63045 15.5207 39.1367 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 23.6715 21.8161 25.5269 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 22.0844 18.126 24.5189 Apical meristem 27.0766 27.0766 27.0766 Stem and meristem 42.4229 39.9074 44.9384 Stems 47.1502125 38.6511 61.1675 Stem (Internode) 39.944766666666666 35.3595 44.1697 Leaf 15.57770936936937 1.86907 57.1148 Leaf (apex) 29.537750000000003 27.079 31.9965 Leaf (bundle sheath) 11.889225 5.10675 18.6717 Leaf (mesophyll) 9.20594 6.87381 13.8387 Leaf (seedlings) 4.892249866666667 0.803048 12.249 Leaf and kernel 8.940578333333333 6.36148 14.2604 Ear (leaf) 19.0445 19.0445 19.0445 Root 70.18216770833334 16.2828 151.663 Root (elongation zone) 34.18622 8.29659 63.2749 Root (meristematic zone) 37.0128 36.9119 37.1137 Root (stele) 83.822475 81.8876 87.8364 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 62.0878 62.0878 62.0878 Secondary root 17.5448 17.5448 17.5448 Root, root hairs removed 56.1451 56.1451 56.1451 Root (maturation zone) 10.1692 10.1692 10.1692