condition mean min max Egg cell 11.250996666666666 8.00509 13.0132 Ovary 1.7903566666666668 1.34654 2.12862 Ovule 24.8919 12.7146 41.9209 Microspore 3.1662774000000002 0.301297 5.87585 Bicellular microspore 0.259727 0.259727 0.259727 Pollen (mature) 0.12470078918918918 0.0 1.20566 Pollen tube 0.0738368 0.049404 0.100946 Sperm cell 0.87544 0.15787 1.97099 Pollen tube 0.0738368 0.049404 0.100946 Tassels (primordia) 34.6094 30.7324 39.6814 Tassels (anther) 46.53309230769231 28.8594 59.5523 Tassels 29.12806875 2.28727 55.2868 Silk 21.31759 5.19958 37.4356 Ear 28.11057 12.452 55.4027 Ear (immature) 19.594583333333333 11.7348 22.5702 Ear (inflorescence) 26.343200000000003 18.6183 34.0681 Ear (primordia) 22.982446666666664 2.38408 28.8355 Zygote (12 HAP) 26.6058 19.9346 32.6672 Zygote (24 HAP) 18.8112 17.7336 20.9519 Daughter cell (apical) 11.868486666666666 9.64636 15.5831 Daughter cell (basal) 10.9134 8.71675 14.6954 Embryo 35.69266666666667 16.8005 62.0902 Nucellus 15.50225 14.8721 16.1324 Endopserm 6.569855714285715 2.41208 15.5411 Kernel 14.575256666666666 7.2378 26.6568 Kernel (germinating) 39.567499999999995 28.5242 50.6108 Seeds 38.43234727272727 6.34612 65.9077 Embryo Sac 14.214894999999999 5.40479 23.025 Pericarp and aleurone 12.8739 12.8739 12.8739 Coleoptile (5 day) 63.39563333333333 57.0573 67.53 Seedling 31.43419913043478 8.64848 66.7885 Internode 67.72914285714285 18.6671 109.106 Sheath 63.7225 59.1277 68.3173 Shoot (apex) 37.1200976 18.5644 52.2083 Shoot 15.750933333333334 5.9405 37.84 Whole plant 27.35725 13.942 34.1245 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 15.791049999999998 13.7372 17.8449 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 15.584533333333333 13.7969 18.9972 Apical meristem 24.938 24.938 24.938 Stem and meristem 48.1408 46.6977 49.5839 Stems 60.379675 51.0949 69.3446 Stem (Internode) 69.18726666666666 61.3516 79.4896 Leaf 24.16119765765766 3.61575 134.904 Leaf (apex) 34.57725 30.7575 38.397 Leaf (bundle sheath) 12.462795 6.59879 18.3268 Leaf (mesophyll) 12.1057 10.1574 15.2904 Leaf (seedlings) 7.171594666666667 1.76317 20.084 Leaf and kernel 12.615608333333334 7.55355 21.2804 Ear (leaf) 24.0234 24.0234 24.0234 Root 54.494840625 16.4838 114.127 Root (elongation zone) 117.50732500000001 32.2852 227.113 Root (meristematic zone) 50.60815 50.0069 51.2094 Root (stele) 52.953525 41.9114 61.5039 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 76.7387 76.7387 76.7387 Secondary root 25.776 25.776 25.776 Root, root hairs removed 58.8113 58.8113 58.8113 Root (maturation zone) 12.9582 12.9582 12.9582