condition mean min max Egg cell 8.310448666666668 0.410931 23.9004 Ovary 13.616 11.1314 16.4645 Ovule 16.5895975 4.84727 43.3382 Microspore 57.38375424 0.0 285.137 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 1.0456474054054055 0.0 5.63921 Pollen tube 0.25172666666666665 0.166885 0.402059 Sperm cell 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen tube 0.25172666666666665 0.166885 0.402059 Tassels (primordia) 38.3123 31.156 47.4714 Tassels (anther) 67.06306923076923 27.8196 110.999 Tassels 36.4431375 10.876 109.586 Silk 29.166050000000002 11.1897 47.1424 Ear 47.56516 29.3927 81.1438 Ear (immature) 112.14676666666666 97.2616 139.124 Ear (inflorescence) 42.4039 38.5152 46.2926 Ear (primordia) 62.41596666666667 44.4141 103.822 Zygote (12 HAP) 14.509266666666667 11.2378 19.939 Zygote (24 HAP) 42.11703333333333 32.1829 52.1394 Daughter cell (apical) 12.910476666666666 7.23803 18.8268 Daughter cell (basal) 18.779799999999998 13.6954 22.4102 Embryo 61.79302222222222 17.2669 99.8256 Nucellus 53.9131 44.9143 62.9119 Endopserm 42.296842857142856 15.3449 100.562 Kernel 62.81390833333333 17.1525 110.734 Kernel (germinating) 38.822649999999996 34.1722 43.4731 Seeds 26.128026666666667 7.55551 157.688 Embryo Sac 21.03862 9.02684 33.0504 Pericarp and aleurone 12.0305 12.0305 12.0305 Coleoptile (5 day) 415.40766666666667 371.619 442.608 Seedling 102.66292608695652 33.959 291.207 Internode 25.750842857142857 15.0694 39.1167 Sheath 181.1695 139.171 223.168 Shoot (apex) 31.01808792 6.08829 78.1582 Shoot 189.94755 61.6326 288.635 Whole plant 112.398325 71.7261 183.811 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 49.31325 48.391 50.2355 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 72.45546666666667 70.6413 75.2386 Apical meristem 45.7218 45.7218 45.7218 Stem and meristem 34.4311 31.7003 37.1619 Stems 25.1311875 18.2381 29.4276 Stem (Internode) 21.73956666666667 15.5341 33.0578 Leaf 102.01214594594595 12.3029 276.263 Leaf (apex) 91.29835 84.4304 98.1663 Leaf (bundle sheath) 158.95845 44.1129 273.804 Leaf (mesophyll) 154.78596666666667 55.2659 282.945 Leaf (seedlings) 18.378415333333333 1.02281 70.8825 Leaf and kernel 28.378466666666668 14.7707 47.7762 Ear (leaf) 45.3625 45.3625 45.3625 Root 19.6891896875 7.03867 45.7129 Root (elongation zone) 6.8756375 2.21957 11.7621 Root (meristematic zone) 22.493850000000002 19.4614 25.5263 Root (stele) 13.880675 10.8148 19.0173 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 20.0495 20.0495 20.0495 Secondary root 20.1443 20.1443 20.1443 Root, root hairs removed 28.4723 28.4723 28.4723 Root (maturation zone) 52.9795 52.9795 52.9795