condition mean min max Egg cell 44.0624 19.4371 74.1831 Ovary 2.4943933333333335 1.886 2.89224 Ovule 49.004925 23.4198 102.932 Microspore 9.1522572 0.850916 19.0529 Bicellular microspore 0.922161 0.922161 0.922161 Pollen (mature) 1.9604763513513515 0.383632 5.03422 Pollen tube 0.7944243333333334 0.621954 1.01232 Sperm cell 2.0675025714285713 0.191958 4.64518 Pollen tube 0.7944243333333334 0.621954 1.01232 Tassels (primordia) 39.54785 37.264 42.5138 Tassels (anther) 40.09296153846154 23.6263 68.7152 Tassels 18.1229325 1.94859 41.7551 Silk 12.82281 2.92032 22.7253 Ear 25.578636 8.07386 86.4965 Ear (immature) 20.372416666666666 15.9983 22.788 Ear (inflorescence) 18.74505 13.3706 24.1195 Ear (primordia) 58.22341 3.26256 115.51 Zygote (12 HAP) 28.4877 22.1907 38.2553 Zygote (24 HAP) 41.31 38.2845 44.6561 Daughter cell (apical) 82.33286666666666 71.092 103.523 Daughter cell (basal) 64.5562 62.0446 68.8049 Embryo 41.04657777777778 5.9129 77.8581 Nucellus 74.1597 70.4086 77.9108 Endopserm 17.712378571428573 5.48766 40.6131 Kernel 24.26379 8.68308 47.4894 Kernel (germinating) 21.1539 16.5837 25.7241 Seeds 29.584798181818183 4.22506 58.7011 Embryo Sac 63.998549999999994 59.0511 68.946 Pericarp and aleurone 9.73248 9.73248 9.73248 Coleoptile (5 day) 33.22096666666667 29.9177 35.3073 Seedling 15.920949565217391 4.73438 30.7652 Internode 18.6824 15.9438 22.854 Sheath 42.8136 37.4731 48.1541 Shoot (apex) 25.471164 10.2528 42.8242 Shoot 11.240008333333334 5.11928 24.0499 Whole plant 17.9327675 9.18267 23.79 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 22.234650000000002 20.0836 24.3857 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 35.561766666666664 34.9418 36.3968 Apical meristem 45.8592 45.8592 45.8592 Stem and meristem 35.37305 33.9536 36.7925 Stems 29.4592125 18.5204 47.4494 Stem (Internode) 17.117066666666666 16.6886 17.5898 Leaf 12.76767873873874 1.61052 39.4903 Leaf (apex) 42.49185 36.7713 48.2124 Leaf (bundle sheath) 7.515735 5.11459 9.91688 Leaf (mesophyll) 9.19622 7.37561 11.2402 Leaf (seedlings) 5.022556666666667 1.36258 8.02545 Leaf and kernel 7.501921666666666 5.67589 10.4169 Ear (leaf) 9.95925 9.95925 9.95925 Root 17.293240416666666 3.17317 32.899 Root (elongation zone) 14.118587499999999 6.64191 21.9992 Root (meristematic zone) 35.295199999999994 34.233 36.3574 Root (stele) 19.445574999999998 17.1173 22.0187 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 23.8479 23.8479 23.8479 Secondary root 13.2623 13.2623 13.2623 Root, root hairs removed 17.0687 17.0687 17.0687 Root (maturation zone) 19.3862 19.3862 19.3862