condition mean min max Egg cell 12.973953333333334 5.65406 26.9544 Ovary 5.65404 3.80694 7.76459 Ovule 19.029835 4.64054 49.2819 Microspore 3.3929916 0.861368 8.67737 Bicellular microspore 0.387944 0.387944 0.387944 Pollen (mature) 0.8759919891891892 0.0529406 5.38427 Pollen tube 0.13561238333333334 0.0889991 0.225666 Sperm cell 0.26133942857142856 0.0 1.34085 Pollen tube 0.13561238333333334 0.0889991 0.225666 Tassels (primordia) 28.281675 17.2762 38.3636 Tassels (anther) 16.229646153846154 10.5706 21.668 Tassels 26.70559 4.39862 42.5112 Silk 33.08915 12.1306 54.0477 Ear 32.05706 12.9464 90.0583 Ear (immature) 14.264616666666667 13.0071 16.2128 Ear (inflorescence) 18.8191 13.97 23.6682 Ear (primordia) 21.208151666666666 2.48591 30.2647 Zygote (12 HAP) 26.197466666666667 20.5164 36.78 Zygote (24 HAP) 28.405433333333335 26.5379 30.8152 Daughter cell (apical) 15.815336666666667 9.92591 24.6739 Daughter cell (basal) 12.844946666666667 9.88184 15.1105 Embryo 11.974044444444445 1.74831 26.9689 Nucellus 49.87235 47.0787 52.666 Endopserm 12.280292142857142 3.55972 31.1987 Kernel 26.761383333333335 16.4869 42.1495 Kernel (germinating) 18.8574 13.6067 24.1081 Seeds 42.37660303030303 11.0197 82.4571 Embryo Sac 40.15735 10.6354 69.6793 Pericarp and aleurone 19.8623 19.8623 19.8623 Coleoptile (5 day) 21.453400000000002 17.0516 24.2279 Seedling 25.408221304347826 9.16663 44.874 Internode 97.51622857142857 12.4497 125.127 Sheath 22.26305 22.0168 22.5093 Shoot (apex) 50.7745496 14.9003 145.666 Shoot 11.53037 6.81437 21.3709 Whole plant 31.699875 13.4613 44.1551 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 16.103749999999998 11.5163 20.6912 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 18.817066666666665 17.5964 19.975 Apical meristem 11.617 11.617 11.617 Stem and meristem 26.8285 24.2023 29.4547 Stems 86.331275 46.3881 127.879 Stem (Internode) 115.64366666666668 104.023 130.121 Leaf 20.349596126126126 3.10268 69.0919 Leaf (apex) 18.6503 18.3498 18.9508 Leaf (bundle sheath) 16.074089999999998 9.40528 22.7429 Leaf (mesophyll) 15.085333333333333 13.3472 16.848 Leaf (seedlings) 10.178614 1.44609 26.3762 Leaf and kernel 11.180818333333333 6.24586 16.6429 Ear (leaf) 14.2616 14.2616 14.2616 Root 48.234134583333336 5.77642 128.56 Root (elongation zone) 37.752674999999996 11.4839 66.6488 Root (meristematic zone) 27.88425 27.0808 28.6877 Root (stele) 47.9183 39.4093 54.0435 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 38.6054 38.6054 38.6054 Secondary root 11.1889 11.1889 11.1889 Root, root hairs removed 37.9549 37.9549 37.9549 Root (maturation zone) 7.10131 7.10131 7.10131