condition mean min max Egg cell 8.639341666666667 0.529385 19.8268 Ovary 8.964236666666666 6.79442 10.5041 Ovule 20.5047475 8.61739 51.0177 Microspore 1.6282116 0.646363 4.57845 Bicellular microspore 0.236649 0.236649 0.236649 Pollen (mature) 32.309036756756754 3.0421 71.6384 Pollen tube 28.737416666666668 27.7711 30.1447 Sperm cell 9.253569 0.255173 17.7717 Pollen tube 28.737416666666668 27.7711 30.1447 Tassels (primordia) 30.9713 26.1256 36.4973 Tassels (anther) 34.9625 24.783 50.0516 Tassels 37.6689125 25.2065 60.1883 Silk 32.8668 11.4389 54.2947 Ear 31.83332 22.5827 68.0225 Ear (immature) 27.178633333333334 24.7236 29.6933 Ear (inflorescence) 51.48895 50.8672 52.1107 Ear (primordia) 36.459966666666666 23.4718 49.7243 Zygote (12 HAP) 24.994433333333333 22.6992 28.2682 Zygote (24 HAP) 27.955466666666666 19.1424 37.5542 Daughter cell (apical) 5.669126666666666 4.47098 7.2768 Daughter cell (basal) 6.56565 5.19712 9.05284 Embryo 35.0441 16.5915 51.2541 Nucellus 28.81875 27.9574 29.6801 Endopserm 18.472022142857142 4.72053 40.4411 Kernel 31.412508333333335 15.6166 56.7212 Kernel (germinating) 60.1986 51.6058 68.7914 Seeds 46.64214242424242 17.0109 81.3702 Embryo Sac 26.884525 9.13465 44.6344 Pericarp and aleurone 15.9786 15.9786 15.9786 Coleoptile (5 day) 37.420966666666665 35.1904 41.3381 Seedling 19.85629956521739 7.5799 48.7747 Internode 44.52422857142857 34.8799 53.1587 Sheath 39.99315 37.0377 42.9486 Shoot (apex) 43.4464016 14.2767 72.4137 Shoot 14.055485 6.03182 24.6605 Whole plant 28.8015 23.1074 33.1199 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 44.2044 31.7412 56.6676 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 78.16763333333333 71.6247 83.4636 Apical meristem 42.999 42.999 42.999 Stem and meristem 33.55885 28.871 38.2467 Stems 47.6026625 41.0158 52.0894 Stem (Internode) 51.49746666666667 42.8676 58.1446 Leaf 22.304491531531532 2.71891 145.65 Leaf (apex) 45.9371 39.5382 52.336 Leaf (bundle sheath) 7.833265 4.78923 10.8773 Leaf (mesophyll) 5.600126666666666 3.54593 7.20908 Leaf (seedlings) 5.841289466666667 0.646892 14.645 Leaf and kernel 14.111699999999999 12.0278 15.876 Ear (leaf) 15.1756 15.1756 15.1756 Root 39.631905208333336 22.7499 59.6576 Root (elongation zone) 52.6806 43.0573 67.5135 Root (meristematic zone) 46.84355 45.9956 47.6915 Root (stele) 43.46005 36.5344 46.121 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 35.1433 35.1433 35.1433 Secondary root 48.801 48.801 48.801 Root, root hairs removed 31.939 31.939 31.939 Root (maturation zone) 44.5173 44.5173 44.5173