condition mean min max Egg cell 31.83243333333333 29.607 34.3612 Ovary 1.0898873333333334 0.775002 1.35732 Ovule 19.756925 10.9009 40.1625 Microspore 9.3906358 0.966219 17.2285 Bicellular microspore 1.33187 1.33187 1.33187 Pollen (mature) 0.306060727027027 0.0 1.50688 Pollen tube 0.24144033333333334 0.154016 0.311331 Sperm cell 5.869460714285714 0.610085 10.4143 Pollen tube 0.24144033333333334 0.154016 0.311331 Tassels (primordia) 14.960175 10.776 20.6571 Tassels (anther) 15.908163076923078 9.73372 21.0894 Tassels 7.3252425 1.7491 20.942 Silk 2.6968365000000003 0.545873 4.8478 Ear 8.513188 2.40202 18.3607 Ear (immature) 6.60193 5.73701 8.43396 Ear (inflorescence) 8.186490000000001 6.30628 10.0667 Ear (primordia) 15.58002 3.01622 20.4066 Zygote (12 HAP) 13.260733333333333 12.3634 14.1526 Zygote (24 HAP) 14.76528 9.76994 19.7153 Daughter cell (apical) 37.09656666666667 31.8236 44.1642 Daughter cell (basal) 33.63813333333333 31.6925 35.8446 Embryo 13.98262 2.37936 27.2692 Nucellus 13.926 13.2062 14.6458 Endopserm 4.415979642857143 0.766235 12.6987 Kernel 6.324511666666667 1.36206 10.6838 Kernel (germinating) 3.6435500000000003 3.63828 3.64882 Seeds 11.785101575757576 0.656802 28.0177 Embryo Sac 22.3839 12.0009 32.7669 Pericarp and aleurone 1.64768 1.64768 1.64768 Coleoptile (5 day) 5.136993333333333 4.0512 5.76487 Seedling 2.443543 0.223448 6.07465 Internode 6.787797142857143 4.67159 8.57594 Sheath 5.7785 4.93824 6.61876 Shoot (apex) 6.20455384 1.38017 14.9458 Shoot 1.5011033333333332 0.305336 4.27241 Whole plant 1.723655 1.20158 2.42443 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 4.935314999999999 4.67646 5.19417 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 0.48907733333333336 0.294765 0.59551 Apical meristem 14.8057 14.8057 14.8057 Stem and meristem 10.92575 10.4317 11.4198 Stems 11.94389875 4.96778 20.6277 Stem (Internode) 8.144826666666667 7.7788 8.5394 Leaf 2.1038736936936937 0.110899 17.438 Leaf (apex) 13.476949999999999 11.6822 15.2717 Leaf (bundle sheath) 1.4761135 0.227627 2.7246 Leaf (mesophyll) 1.4060313333333334 0.733814 2.22196 Leaf (seedlings) 0.30960492 0.0459744 0.85675 Leaf and kernel 0.17049238333333333 0.0443548 0.384471 Ear (leaf) 0.883117 0.883117 0.883117 Root 2.8848719583333335 0.121608 7.41129 Root (elongation zone) 0.627001 0.382621 0.823304 Root (meristematic zone) 6.37258 6.20477 6.54039 Root (stele) 3.8775 3.40123 4.3192 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 2.76378 2.76378 2.76378 Secondary root 1.27273 1.27273 1.27273 Root, root hairs removed 3.05937 3.05937 3.05937 Root (maturation zone) 3.91713 3.91713 3.91713