condition mean min max Egg cell 0.7852366666666667 0.0 2.35571 Ovary 11.098093333333333 8.73478 12.8504 Ovule 13.444882 0.228015 52.0015 Microspore 0.30400948 0.0400164 0.81872 Bicellular microspore 0.0257857 0.0257857 0.0257857 Pollen (mature) 0.5824568108108108 0.0 3.2675 Pollen tube 0.4276628333333333 0.285801 0.645743 Sperm cell 7.372027428571428 0.595802 17.0837 Pollen tube 0.4276628333333333 0.285801 0.645743 Tassels (primordia) 50.91405 35.1527 66.7631 Tassels (anther) 24.448315384615384 17.0894 34.7603 Tassels 37.1026625 13.9681 71.7365 Silk 25.9299 23.7902 28.0696 Ear 56.61001 32.0095 78.9025 Ear (immature) 37.6231 30.3245 44.783 Ear (inflorescence) 73.29475 71.1593 75.4302 Ear (primordia) 47.378433333333334 15.9253 71.9305 Zygote (12 HAP) 10.023823333333333 2.93475 21.8694 Zygote (24 HAP) 4.096689 0.295907 9.15329 Daughter cell (apical) 10.62542 2.67266 15.0915 Daughter cell (basal) 3.57983 1.26927 7.36074 Embryo 58.285577777777775 16.8001 85.4121 Nucellus 14.3252 13.3489 15.3015 Endopserm 7.040655 1.6341 19.1875 Kernel 25.24177 7.75558 60.9779 Kernel (germinating) 45.54925 43.7139 47.3846 Seeds 45.95647212121212 6.64496 118.545 Embryo Sac 0.059922 0.0 0.119844 Pericarp and aleurone 28.928 28.928 28.928 Coleoptile (5 day) 79.9197 76.903 81.9738 Seedling 46.07745652173913 19.9033 86.9246 Internode 68.37682857142858 34.3851 109.513 Sheath 79.6643 74.9493 84.3793 Shoot (apex) 91.16038 44.839 235.573 Shoot 26.145341666666667 15.0339 47.2637 Whole plant 106.989025 43.9481 140.476 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 47.5567 36.8003 58.3131 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 59.694766666666666 51.8615 64.0699 Apical meristem 53.1294 53.1294 53.1294 Stem and meristem 65.09745000000001 63.8344 66.3605 Stems 78.9181125 60.8807 107.584 Stem (Internode) 71.23296666666667 68.1396 75.1057 Leaf 39.549775225225225 4.02367 346.243 Leaf (apex) 44.78635 37.5079 52.0648 Leaf (bundle sheath) 21.55142 7.80444 35.2984 Leaf (mesophyll) 14.023366666666666 4.83 24.8762 Leaf (seedlings) 7.246638 1.17517 17.3295 Leaf and kernel 16.49725 12.9587 19.3661 Ear (leaf) 10.3042 10.3042 10.3042 Root 53.23218125 16.7822 123.85 Root (elongation zone) 11.189085 7.81647 16.7147 Root (meristematic zone) 26.426450000000003 25.5868 27.2661 Root (stele) 73.875925 54.3399 88.2007 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 34.8728 34.8728 34.8728 Secondary root 20.4517 20.4517 20.4517 Root, root hairs removed 22.1781 22.1781 22.1781 Root (maturation zone) 11.83 11.83 11.83