condition mean min max Egg cell 1.407955 0.0 3.96976 Ovary 5.008896666666667 3.80039 5.76018 Ovule 7.5442225 2.84752 17.4876 Microspore 1.425152 0.734632 2.45727 Bicellular microspore 1.10149 1.10149 1.10149 Pollen (mature) 0.05952498918918919 0.0 0.400796 Pollen tube 0.061583483333333335 0.0154794 0.122361 Sperm cell 0.4344666 0.0356406 1.26622 Pollen tube 0.061583483333333335 0.0154794 0.122361 Tassels (primordia) 23.922275 21.813 25.9852 Tassels (anther) 50.36693076923077 13.8846 217.545 Tassels 16.4752175 1.17693 29.1185 Silk 5.05073 1.96771 8.13375 Ear 18.127814 8.80144 34.6395 Ear (immature) 18.217333333333332 16.4281 19.5598 Ear (inflorescence) 20.47585 18.4401 22.5116 Ear (primordia) 29.2878 23.9963 36.6116 Zygote (12 HAP) 4.06053 1.71842 5.34281 Zygote (24 HAP) 6.682729999999999 2.57929 9.22368 Daughter cell (apical) 6.578033333333334 4.68677 9.79071 Daughter cell (basal) 4.173556666666666 3.44591 5.45388 Embryo 24.31614888888889 5.66534 52.9323 Nucellus 32.49835 30.5987 34.398 Endopserm 3.5608222142857144 0.262132 17.2784 Kernel 6.534165 2.63813 17.4578 Kernel (germinating) 7.692715 5.5199 9.86553 Seeds 10.943378484848484 1.78874 41.0206 Embryo Sac 10.06108 7.32856 12.7936 Pericarp and aleurone 7.9912 7.9912 7.9912 Coleoptile (5 day) 7.075726666666666 6.11687 7.98437 Seedling 7.850949565217391 1.45789 20.3158 Internode 5.776457142857143 1.36431 10.3479 Sheath 18.60695 11.6977 25.5162 Shoot (apex) 7.18365512 1.24532 22.3972 Shoot 6.724306666666666 3.3463 9.36703 Whole plant 13.410375 10.655 15.7097 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 14.86185 14.0851 15.6386 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 14.257439999999999 8.92532 18.4867 Apical meristem 26.265 26.265 26.265 Stem and meristem 10.940100000000001 10.2364 11.6438 Stems 7.0877675 2.347 11.9849 Stem (Internode) 5.30286 3.99162 6.93945 Leaf 10.096281882882883 0.230803 47.5045 Leaf (apex) 23.079700000000003 17.8103 28.3491 Leaf (bundle sheath) 0.7647145 0.65642 0.873009 Leaf (mesophyll) 0.9393243333333333 0.729704 1.30822 Leaf (seedlings) 1.6358940666666666 0.189741 4.44952 Leaf and kernel 4.263536666666667 2.39539 8.00743 Ear (leaf) 11.5155 11.5155 11.5155 Root 7.106898489583333 0.642854 26.3217 Root (elongation zone) 8.8539425 6.34012 13.176 Root (meristematic zone) 10.2148 10.2133 10.2163 Root (stele) 1.800485 1.11458 2.91051 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 3.36514 3.36514 3.36514 Secondary root 3.36994 3.36994 3.36994 Root, root hairs removed 4.70146 4.70146 4.70146 Root (maturation zone) 5.23319 5.23319 5.23319