condition mean min max Egg cell 865.526 486.357 1346.59 Ovary 44.12376666666667 32.1032 50.5034 Ovule 397.5615 191.193 556.587 Microspore 34.014372 1.84716 75.7233 Bicellular microspore 0.515867 0.515867 0.515867 Pollen (mature) 8.271119135135136 0.408037 32.3153 Pollen tube 2.338868333333333 1.86749 2.75451 Sperm cell 7.249172142857143 0.0 16.7855 Pollen tube 2.338868333333333 1.86749 2.75451 Tassels (primordia) 239.5075 175.249 285.275 Tassels (anther) 179.0003 86.8109 244.383 Tassels 157.506125 83.5009 388.173 Silk 165.071 118.999 211.143 Ear 278.3436 156.606 558.507 Ear (immature) 224.97466666666668 204.333 261.158 Ear (inflorescence) 166.9145 148.446 185.383 Ear (primordia) 203.8955 152.04 284.239 Zygote (12 HAP) 503.777 448.101 534.472 Zygote (24 HAP) 562.9033333333333 523.726 586.896 Daughter cell (apical) 746.2123333333333 633.53 908.252 Daughter cell (basal) 748.8793333333333 678.798 789.092 Embryo 376.989 182.758 573.352 Nucellus 270.3575 250.132 290.583 Endopserm 219.89971428571428 70.422 498.169 Kernel 208.87961666666666 60.4912 428.84 Kernel (germinating) 217.4035 147.848 286.959 Seeds 255.65378787878788 158.924 507.196 Embryo Sac 508.9955 498.458 519.533 Pericarp and aleurone 89.8373 89.8373 89.8373 Coleoptile (5 day) 327.95366666666666 304.399 357.707 Seedling 102.82758260869565 41.3486 264.751 Internode 225.0337142857143 167.276 285.099 Sheath 131.166 114.455 147.877 Shoot (apex) 213.414444 99.3465 425.385 Shoot 203.58533333333332 105.65 333.956 Whole plant 133.660325 92.2643 161.659 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 273.71000000000004 273.589 273.831 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 176.24766666666665 130.701 227.783 Apical meristem 215.516 215.516 215.516 Stem and meristem 261.9175 243.743 280.092 Stems 214.910125 169.461 233.316 Stem (Internode) 204.489 189.246 221.459 Leaf 135.50183783783783 19.8777 601.796 Leaf (apex) 282.79999999999995 280.457 285.143 Leaf (bundle sheath) 92.63040000000001 79.7778 105.483 Leaf (mesophyll) 76.83783333333334 54.1879 108.189 Leaf (seedlings) 22.521843333333333 4.37632 35.62 Leaf and kernel 61.52415 36.429 141.097 Ear (leaf) 137.146 137.146 137.146 Root 205.24299479166666 71.0629 540.315 Root (elongation zone) 226.055 147.083 340.203 Root (meristematic zone) 462.32399999999996 417.674 506.974 Root (stele) 134.288 121.781 149.706 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 167.167 167.167 167.167 Secondary root 231.369 231.369 231.369 Root, root hairs removed 195.019 195.019 195.019 Root (maturation zone) 509.975 509.975 509.975