condition mean min max Egg cell 52.52793333333334 33.8423 73.0831 Ovary 8.52462 6.76975 10.8439 Ovule 35.844475 15.4021 78.3481 Microspore 9.1614688 0.806424 14.09 Bicellular microspore 1.75925 1.75925 1.75925 Pollen (mature) 0.5351998162162163 0.0 2.61881 Pollen tube 0.1730565 0.106486 0.203325 Sperm cell 0.1673127142857143 0.0 0.952264 Pollen tube 0.1730565 0.106486 0.203325 Tassels (primordia) 104.09802499999999 78.6231 119.581 Tassels (anther) 111.45393076923077 46.4827 150.13 Tassels 69.2325 27.0377 122.193 Silk 62.21991 7.56182 116.878 Ear 73.13585 27.0063 194.872 Ear (immature) 89.56233333333334 46.7485 129.579 Ear (inflorescence) 80.5418 43.4036 117.68 Ear (primordia) 179.37256666666667 47.5858 431.982 Zygote (12 HAP) 57.5105 54.353 62.2251 Zygote (24 HAP) 96.74183333333333 94.9656 99.7138 Daughter cell (apical) 57.313966666666666 54.9798 59.5223 Daughter cell (basal) 38.8267 37.3819 41.5254 Embryo 54.69588888888889 24.29 94.7087 Nucellus 115.69149999999999 108.292 123.091 Endopserm 38.8705 6.7773 132.228 Kernel 39.616908333333335 25.1701 73.8853 Kernel (germinating) 46.0415 40.1133 51.9697 Seeds 77.76790606060607 15.3699 268.871 Embryo Sac 71.6199 52.1237 91.1161 Pericarp and aleurone 13.3492 13.3492 13.3492 Coleoptile (5 day) 107.85983333333333 90.5615 119.143 Seedling 59.59158695652174 18.8802 249.839 Internode 58.0511 31.2295 156.62 Sheath 141.007 118.813 163.201 Shoot (apex) 45.4369632 9.6971 127.828 Shoot 39.293775 23.7485 57.8412 Whole plant 48.674324999999996 42.3382 60.4913 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 27.43275 21.8549 33.0106 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 79.51246666666667 71.5125 88.8398 Apical meristem 69.8249 69.8249 69.8249 Stem and meristem 113.87049999999999 109.904 117.837 Stems 141.281775 32.176 292.649 Stem (Internode) 37.58716666666667 27.6664 45.4178 Leaf 43.214887387387385 10.2561 224.556 Leaf (apex) 69.71340000000001 68.2893 71.1375 Leaf (bundle sheath) 17.64285 15.1304 20.1553 Leaf (mesophyll) 18.7421 14.6367 20.8005 Leaf (seedlings) 19.712844666666665 5.71774 45.7076 Leaf and kernel 21.475133333333332 11.4541 39.8264 Ear (leaf) 49.5036 49.5036 49.5036 Root 65.123903125 13.4104 102.481 Root (elongation zone) 47.142125 28.2679 61.4558 Root (meristematic zone) 99.79295 89.5609 110.025 Root (stele) 69.4298 61.3858 81.6287 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 67.3298 67.3298 67.3298 Secondary root 64.8835 64.8835 64.8835 Root, root hairs removed 63.7109 63.7109 63.7109 Root (maturation zone) 65.1944 65.1944 65.1944