condition mean min max Egg cell 188.26533333333333 137.313 287.636 Ovary 7.870016666666666 5.38475 9.71322 Ovule 109.192275 98.1069 139.729 Microspore 55.242179799999995 0.507359 230.891 Bicellular microspore 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen (mature) 12.317610459459459 0.275165 27.5981 Pollen tube 6.969318333333334 6.08748 7.96318 Sperm cell 29.03360117142857 0.0 78.0843 Pollen tube 6.969318333333334 6.08748 7.96318 Tassels (primordia) 112.28925 104.857 122.037 Tassels (anther) 71.51668461538462 47.8139 101.005 Tassels 67.8634875 32.9695 116.631 Silk 56.58025 52.2082 60.9523 Ear 99.44284999999999 50.4043 198.819 Ear (immature) 136.30733333333333 127.599 143.834 Ear (inflorescence) 85.866 80.3544 91.3776 Ear (primordia) 119.45466666666667 103.345 143.941 Zygote (12 HAP) 117.95133333333334 111.679 126.042 Zygote (24 HAP) 155.46266666666668 145.583 162.428 Daughter cell (apical) 276.60266666666666 229.128 323.445 Daughter cell (basal) 264.69966666666664 237.556 296.834 Embryo 89.69938888888889 24.1042 313.818 Nucellus 74.05165 68.7237 79.3796 Endopserm 59.26098571428572 13.9365 122.181 Kernel 82.96108333333333 32.9475 226.305 Kernel (germinating) 77.25274999999999 64.1763 90.3292 Seeds 86.70835151515152 19.6149 164.373 Embryo Sac 247.79749999999999 106.056 389.539 Pericarp and aleurone 26.0634 26.0634 26.0634 Coleoptile (5 day) 102.90326666666667 89.9245 126.843 Seedling 52.57263913043478 13.1209 77.1106 Internode 71.51815714285715 53.5776 121.506 Sheath 105.16045 98.8679 111.453 Shoot (apex) 85.6629584 40.3472 138.184 Shoot 74.14881666666666 36.9843 111.236 Whole plant 71.135575 53.3918 92.0786 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 63.45955 56.1948 70.7243 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 207.52533333333332 105.192 288.551 Apical meristem 144.243 144.243 144.243 Stem and meristem 149.3785 141.007 157.75 Stems 103.7949875 57.5428 178.377 Stem (Internode) 59.59393333333333 57.0307 62.1574 Leaf 54.25071441441442 12.9383 154.881 Leaf (apex) 113.06 101.845 124.275 Leaf (bundle sheath) 50.2917 44.5466 56.0368 Leaf (mesophyll) 43.9567 35.5688 56.0608 Leaf (seedlings) 13.619621333333333 1.98596 28.2204 Leaf and kernel 22.801716666666668 18.5619 32.6027 Ear (leaf) 26.2576 26.2576 26.2576 Root 78.90014166666667 34.8544 126.028 Root (elongation zone) 97.650975 71.1605 133.241 Root (meristematic zone) 150.4665 148.112 152.821 Root (stele) 86.7738 69.0452 114.91 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 80.6123 80.6123 80.6123 Secondary root 69.7238 69.7238 69.7238 Root, root hairs removed 79.2151 79.2151 79.2151 Root (maturation zone) 83.591 83.591 83.591