condition mean min max Egg cell 12.58842 2.17433 31.3526 Ovary 93.125 59.6991 125.949 Ovule 157.87185 42.3869 452.49 Microspore 1.6306346 0.0 5.95146 Bicellular microspore 0.0819761 0.0819761 0.0819761 Pollen (mature) 0.27348496405405404 0.0 1.46878 Pollen tube 0.1518695 0.127891 0.195465 Sperm cell 0.8304355857142857 0.0 2.87573 Pollen tube 0.1518695 0.127891 0.195465 Tassels (primordia) 143.906 115.555 170.63 Tassels (anther) 173.2831846153846 60.6737 341.522 Tassels 361.8365 111.766 591.643 Silk 259.54905 51.1011 467.997 Ear 268.69305 27.4314 724.101 Ear (immature) 59.498533333333334 46.0619 67.6512 Ear (inflorescence) 212.8585 195.479 230.238 Ear (primordia) 108.76785 74.7266 147.191 Zygote (12 HAP) 24.714133333333333 22.7774 25.6912 Zygote (24 HAP) 44.190466666666666 32.5273 53.7062 Daughter cell (apical) 29.3966 12.2237 45.7016 Daughter cell (basal) 25.064799999999998 20.1477 32.7942 Embryo 206.04662222222223 46.5283 422.049 Nucellus 371.7265 342.95 400.503 Endopserm 21.157899999999998 5.75075 103.972 Kernel 244.82358333333335 44.983 811.245 Kernel (germinating) 368.445 277.993 458.897 Seeds 372.83007575757574 68.7383 957.523 Embryo Sac 106.96379999999999 55.9596 157.968 Pericarp and aleurone 366.873 366.873 366.873 Coleoptile (5 day) 133.73233333333334 127.221 139.466 Seedling 152.95789130434784 17.7619 434.062 Internode 487.3634285714286 238.449 620.365 Sheath 444.524 321.566 567.482 Shoot (apex) 251.20049120000002 76.938 1035.77 Shoot 70.42589166666667 11.6267 139.338 Whole plant 169.67 125.872 230.684 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 182.33100000000002 174.394 190.268 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 8.043806666666667 6.62006 9.1196 Apical meristem 142.808 142.808 142.808 Stem and meristem 466.1295 439.306 492.953 Stems 413.381 140.831 748.232 Stem (Internode) 583.1143333333333 388.494 776.859 Leaf 78.30261927927928 2.08058 472.173 Leaf (apex) 116.0781 83.2692 148.887 Leaf (bundle sheath) 91.39062 5.09524 177.686 Leaf (mesophyll) 59.34415 7.91765 125.154 Leaf (seedlings) 38.089859866666664 0.601809 146.862 Leaf and kernel 17.860355 9.24053 32.6541 Ear (leaf) 10.7884 10.7884 10.7884 Root 386.52687604166664 84.8251 808.545 Root (elongation zone) 100.50472500000001 46.2638 188.356 Root (meristematic zone) 113.73 108.414 119.046 Root (stele) 571.544 447.943 645.163 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 477.989 477.989 477.989 Secondary root 384.335 384.335 384.335 Root, root hairs removed 264.059 264.059 264.059 Root (maturation zone) 54.0005 54.0005 54.0005