condition mean min max Egg cell 21.860776666666666 8.45487 47.2475 Ovary 7.509123333333333 5.16305 9.71653 Ovule 24.28155 10.6152 57.7697 Microspore 10.979312 1.04793 24.6876 Bicellular microspore 1.81944 1.81944 1.81944 Pollen (mature) 11.450339189189188 3.26088 31.1548 Pollen tube 5.6558399999999995 5.14188 6.69484 Sperm cell 9.041251428571428 1.28455 24.8915 Pollen tube 5.6558399999999995 5.14188 6.69484 Tassels (primordia) 94.565 64.5983 111.959 Tassels (anther) 44.74531538461539 38.6901 51.7173 Tassels 43.1019875 12.727 64.9039 Silk 45.39905 36.7369 54.0612 Ear 56.85967 24.9726 132.174 Ear (immature) 59.772216666666665 50.8664 68.7374 Ear (inflorescence) 62.88995 59.8043 65.9756 Ear (primordia) 56.60105 14.5652 75.9852 Zygote (12 HAP) 77.78 61.9799 86.1669 Zygote (24 HAP) 68.4637 57.6364 80.918 Daughter cell (apical) 46.17863333333333 41.2512 51.1604 Daughter cell (basal) 44.70053333333333 36.7599 57.9097 Embryo 35.2469 12.1771 65.0577 Nucellus 91.01855 82.9356 99.1015 Endopserm 26.167728571428572 13.1348 48.3212 Kernel 51.093625 31.5752 75.4634 Kernel (germinating) 52.37875 45.456 59.3015 Seeds 57.4502303030303 22.3846 91.288 Embryo Sac 28.3108 16.2898 40.3318 Pericarp and aleurone 23.8245 23.8245 23.8245 Coleoptile (5 day) 22.655833333333334 22.4231 22.8708 Seedling 90.80351304347826 28.1114 189.211 Internode 67.14242857142857 44.6308 85.0477 Sheath 54.0469 52.4687 55.6251 Shoot (apex) 73.3442248 25.7532 147.989 Shoot 62.761625 41.4813 93.4977 Whole plant 132.26185 73.4704 183.241 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 66.33275 53.8578 78.8077 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 48.640966666666664 40.606 53.3035 Apical meristem 48.6901 48.6901 48.6901 Stem and meristem 66.89495 66.026 67.7639 Stems 66.1973875 53.1495 91.885 Stem (Internode) 64.51483333333333 56.0798 77.7297 Leaf 88.30776396396396 13.1825 365.337 Leaf (apex) 72.2936 71.0664 73.5208 Leaf (bundle sheath) 52.623999999999995 51.7478 53.5002 Leaf (mesophyll) 56.9128 49.6874 67.6622 Leaf (seedlings) 53.156536 6.90997 147.561 Leaf and kernel 124.47388333333333 85.0863 148.712 Ear (leaf) 77.3965 77.3965 77.3965 Root 57.41258645833333 28.9131 116.115 Root (elongation zone) 42.965325 27.6355 54.0651 Root (meristematic zone) 34.560550000000006 32.8081 36.313 Root (stele) 70.358475 66.4237 78.2905 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 57.4511 57.4511 57.4511 Secondary root 34.8378 34.8378 34.8378 Root, root hairs removed 45.8963 45.8963 45.8963 Root (maturation zone) 27.1141 27.1141 27.1141