condition mean min max Egg cell 32.66396666666667 10.6709 70.8548 Ovary 22.3844 15.747 26.8422 Ovule 39.60095 19.4529 70.1304 Microspore 27.52779 3.07054 63.8575 Bicellular microspore 1.67827 1.67827 1.67827 Pollen (mature) 4.26943827027027 0.389462 16.3077 Pollen tube 1.8141983333333334 1.48065 2.20199 Sperm cell 3.6982865714285715 0.816376 9.29559 Pollen tube 1.8141983333333334 1.48065 2.20199 Tassels (primordia) 104.705 96.286 109.542 Tassels (anther) 141.46284615384616 112.817 188.515 Tassels 72.911125 24.8285 101.336 Silk 108.28115 88.4743 128.088 Ear 120.47522 56.778 209.944 Ear (immature) 151.65266666666668 142.495 172.526 Ear (inflorescence) 66.07295 64.6479 67.498 Ear (primordia) 66.8255 18.0854 108.064 Zygote (12 HAP) 173.57333333333332 147.166 193.966 Zygote (24 HAP) 157.29706666666667 98.3392 223.146 Daughter cell (apical) 32.808 23.3398 37.7511 Daughter cell (basal) 47.67556666666667 38.5738 62.0762 Embryo 107.59222222222222 46.2487 190.477 Nucellus 104.03025 96.7305 111.33 Endopserm 34.26783571428572 12.0676 82.3054 Kernel 61.8101 34.4923 95.6254 Kernel (germinating) 140.88 117.622 164.138 Seeds 102.75137878787879 18.5303 192.821 Embryo Sac 79.35065 56.4703 102.231 Pericarp and aleurone 49.7463 49.7463 49.7463 Coleoptile (5 day) 116.19536666666666 96.889 153.576 Seedling 108.55529130434783 57.3282 261.567 Internode 136.23357142857142 117.79 159.037 Sheath 83.9094 79.9952 87.8236 Shoot (apex) 134.7424256 87.9607 196.94 Shoot 111.20416666666667 74.8042 142.487 Whole plant 122.149325 83.2064 163.695 Vegetative Meristem & Surrounding Tissue 114.21985000000001 94.9037 133.536 Meristem (SAM with Laser capture) 171.94 142.562 195.517 Apical meristem 88.2252 88.2252 88.2252 Stem and meristem 113.152 106.868 119.436 Stems 122.38525 109.78 141.148 Stem (Internode) 128.31933333333333 119.137 135.516 Leaf 98.74851171171171 15.3517 230.397 Leaf (apex) 123.581 122.328 124.834 Leaf (bundle sheath) 83.78045 70.0 97.5609 Leaf (mesophyll) 79.32656666666666 73.4558 85.9401 Leaf (seedlings) 32.881084666666666 4.58762 77.9883 Leaf and kernel 101.85658333333333 84.3461 114.614 Ear (leaf) 92.785 92.785 92.785 Root 146.64168333333333 83.4907 618.634 Root (elongation zone) 232.96725 194.105 299.322 Root (meristematic zone) 145.40699999999998 134.805 156.009 Root (stele) 112.25274999999999 105.829 126.264 whole crown root (20-30 mm) 171.742 171.742 171.742 Secondary root 128.397 128.397 128.397 Root, root hairs removed 173.28 173.28 173.28 Root (maturation zone) 150.082 150.082 150.082